JournalSwiss’s blog


Blog版 jSj Vol. 215 「2023年06月18日国民投票 OECD/G20 最低税率他2件」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 215 - June 13, 2023 (Swiss Time)



【J】 2023年06月18日国民投票
     1) OECD/G20 最低税率
     2) 気候・イノベーション
          3) コビド-19法
                       明子 ヒューリマン

【E】 The Popular Vote on June 18, 2023
          1) OECD/G20 Project
          2) Climate and Innovation Act
          3) COVID-19 Act
                       Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                       明子 ヒューリマン


 1) 政令:通称「OECD/G20 最低税率」





財政の均等化制度 (Nationaler Finanzausgleich) に依って、全てのカントンが利益を得ることができる。







法案に賛成:は、SVP、Die Mitte、FDP、州政府会議。










2) 法案:通称「気候・イノベーション法」









法案に賛成の政党は、Die Mitte、FDP、SP、緑の党、グリーンリヴェラ(GLP)、EVP、州政府会議。









3) 通称「コヴィド-19改正法」は、「2022年12月16日のCovid-19法」の改正案。

概要:コロナウイルスは依然として予測不可能で、危険なウイルスの亜種が再び出現する可能性は否定できない。その為、議会は「Covid-19 Act」の一部措置の法的根拠を2024年半ば迄に延長した。これに依って、当局は緊急時迅速に行動し、特に弱い立場の人々や医療システムを保護することができる。






賛成の政党は、Die Mitte、FDP、SP、緑の党、グリーンリヴェラル(GLP)、EVP、そして州政府会議。















【参考】 弊誌Vol. 192 - July 01, 2020 「スイスのコロナ危機で考えたこと」

jp-Swiss-journal Vol. 192



 スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament:

【 編集後記 】

折しも、6月12日、スイス連邦政府のウェブサイトが「no name」と称するハッカーに攻撃され、閲覧中のリンクが一部見られなくなった。(A.H.)

━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━

         The Popular Vote on June 18, 2023

                      Akiko Huerlimann

The last Popular Vote was on September 21, 2022, so this will be the first Popular Vote in almost nine Months.
This Time, there are three Projects, one Decree, one Bill and one Amendment. Two of the Projects were submitted by Referendum Committees, which are responsible for challenging the Government and Parliament Rulings.
One, the "OECD/G20-Minimum Tax" is a Decree by the Swiss Government however based on an Initiative by the OECD-Organization.

Let's look at each Project.


1) Decree: Commonly known as the "OECD/G20 Minimum Tax"
Implementation of the "OECD/G20" Project on Taxation of large Corporate

Summary: Switzerland, along with some 140 other Countries, has committed itself to ensuring that large international Corporate Groups pay at least 15% in Taxes.

[ Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy – 8 October 2021 ]

The Swiss Federal Government and Parliament are considering the Introduction of a Minimum Tax, which will be implemented by Means of a Supplementary Tax. If less Tax is paid in Switzerland, Foreign Countries will be allowed to collect the Difference to the 15%.

The Swiss Federal Government estimates that the Revenue from the Supplementary Taxation in the first Year will be of 1 to 2.5 Billion Swiss Francs (CHF). 75% of the Tax Revenue will go to the Cantons and 25% to the Swiss Federal Government.

All Swiss Cantons can benefit from the System of National Fiscal Equalization (Nationaler Finanzausgleich). 

Since higher Taxes reduce the Location-Attractiveness of Switzerland, the Revenues from the Supplementary Tax shall be used to secure Jobs and Tax Revenues, as well as to promote the Location-Attractiveness. The Implementation requires an Amendment to the Swiss Federal Constitution, so a Referendum / People’s Vote (Volksabstimmung) is
required for it.

Voting Question is: "Do you accept the Federal Decree of December 16, 2022 on special Taxation of large Corporate Groups. (Implementation of the OECD/G20 Project on Taxation of large Corporate Groups)?"

Federal Government:
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Saying that "this legal Reform will ensure a stable Framework, protecting Swiss Tax Revenues and Jobs, and Everyone will benefit from this." This is the Argument.

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 127 YES, 59 NO, and 10 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 38 YES, 2 NO, and 4 Abstentions.

In favor of the Bill are Parties SVP, Die Mitte, FDP, GLP, EVP, and Conference of the Cantonal Governments.

Against: The SP (Social Democrats) opposed it, while the Greens and EDU were not bound by Party Rules.

The Parliamentary Minority recommends "NO," stating that "few attractive Cantons, where lots of large Corporate Gourps are located, would receive the Bulk of the Revenues. The Opportunity to curb the Tax Competition among the Cantons was not used", argued the Minority. The SP (Social Democrats) opposed, while the Greens and EDU were not bound by Party Rules.

Video of the Press Conference on April 24, 2023 by Minister of Finance (EFD) Keller-Sutter and other:



EFD Commentary: 


In-line with the Implementation of the first Phase of the OECD's global Tax Reform, the Swiss Federal Government wants to increase the Corporate Income Tax Rate for the entire Country to at least 15%.

The relevant legal Entities are 200 domestic Companies and 2,000 Subsidiaries of foreign Companies.

The Decision made by the Parliament to split the 75% and 25% between the Cantons and the Federal Government is the right Choice. Corporate Taxation is in any case a Matter for the Cantons, and the Cantons with less financial Resources can receive a reasonable Financial Benefit depending on the "National Fiscal Equalization System". Thus, the Basis for the Opposition's Argument has collapsed.
The business groups involved will have to pay taxes anyway, and the additional tax will keep the tax revenue within Switzerland.

Among the major political Parties, only the SP, which has opposed various Tax Proposals in recent Years, is against this Reform. It believes that it is unfair that the Cantons retain the Bulk of the supplementary Revenues, and that such a Tax System would indirectly
benefit Companies and thus promote Competition for Locations.

I hope more internationally-minded Policy from the SP, which is influential in Swiss Society. The Conservative Camp and the Business Community, in favor of the Bill are campaigning that "NO," would be like shooting themselves in the Knee.

2) Bill: Commonly known as the "Climate and Innovation Act"

Federal Act on Climate Protection Targets, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security (indirect Counter-Proposal to the "Glacier Initiative").

Summary: Switzerland Imports about three-quarters of its Energy.
All of the Oil and Natural Gas consumed in Switzerland is Imported from abroad. These fossil Fuels are not infinitely available and place a heavy Burden on the Climate.
In order to reduce its Dependence on foreign Countries and environmental Pollution, the Federal Government (Bundesrat) and the Swiss Parliament plan to reduce the Consumption of Oil and Gas, while at the same Time increasing the Amount of Energy produced in Switzerland.

Under the new Law, Switzerland will gradually reduce its Consumption of Oil and Natural Gas. The Goal is to make Switzerland climate-neutral by 2050.

The Bill sets out Measures to reduce Energy Consumption and provides financial Relief for replacing Oil, Gas, and Electric Heating Systems. Companies that invest in climate-friendly Technologies will also be supported.

The Bill is an indirect Counter-Proposal to the "Glacier Initiative" and, unlike the Initiative, does not include a Ban on the Use of fossil Fuels such as Gasoline, Diesel, Heating Oil, and Gas.

Voting Question is: "Do you accept the Federal Law of September 30, 2022 on Climate Protection Goals, the Innovation, and the Strengthening of Energy Security (KIG)?"

Federal Government:
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Explaining "this Bill will make our People and Economy independent of Oil and Gas Imports and will strengthen Climate Protection without Bans or without new Taxes. Financial Support will be available for Investments in climate-friendly Heating Systems and innovative Technologies."

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 139 YES, 51 NO, and 2 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 38 YES, 4 NO, and 3 Abstentions.

In favor of the Bill are Parties Die Mitte, FDP, SP, Green Party, Green Liberal (GLP), and EVP, and Conference of the Cantonal Governments.

The Referendum's Committee of the Conservative Swiss People's Party (SVP), which opposes the Bill and put it to a Referendum, recommends "NO".
Warning of "a significant Increase in the Demand for Electricity and an Explosion in Electricity Prices." It explains "The Conversion of Energy Supply away from Heating Oil, Gas, Diesel, and Gasoline to Electricity is unrealistic. The Approach is haphazard, will exacerbate Electricity Shortages, disfigure the Environment, and jeopardize
Security of Supply."
Against: Are also Party EDU (Conservative Christian Party) and Homeowners Association (HEV) also opposes the Bill.

Video of the April 21, 2023 Press Conference by Minister of Environment,



However, this Time there is a Conflict within the Conservative Camp. The SVP's Minister of Environment (UVEK), Albert Roesti, has to represent the Position of the Federal Government (Bundesrat) and is caught between the SVP-Party and the Government.

Even in the Farmers' Union, which is known as a Conservative Stronghold, leading Farmers are opposed to the Bill, while the Swiss Farmers' Union has decided in favor of the Climate Protection Law, dividing Farmers' Opinions almost 50-50.
Some Farmers are in favor of the Law because they feel threatened that if the Climate continues to be as hot and dry as it was last Summer, they will eventually run out of Products to grow. To prevent Conflict, they are Refraining from Campaigning for
the Referendum this Time.

Among those who oppose the Law is Zurich's Farmers President Martin Herb, SVP. He does not deny that Agriculture is affected by Climate Change. But "Voting for this Law does not mean that Glaciers will grow back and Summers will be cooler." He expressed the View that this Situation cannot be avoided anymore.

Indeed, Swiss Summers have become unbearably hot Year after Year, and the June 13 Tagesanziger Newspaper reported in detail that "the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free in the middle of the Century."
However, I have found that we can improve the Heat by placing many Plants Indoors and Outdoors, and by Installing Tatami Mats, Shoji Screens, and Sudare (Bamboo Blinds).

3) Amendment: Commonly known as the "Covid-19 Amendment Act" is a Draft Amendment to the "Covid-19 Act of December 16, 2022".

Summary: Corona-Virus remains unpredictable, and the Possibility of a Reemergence of dangerous Virus Variants cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the Swiss Parliament has extended the legal Basis for certain Measures of the "Covid-19 Act" until mid-2024. This will allow Authorities to act quickly in an Emergency and protect particularly vulnerable Persons and the Health Care System.

The main Measure is that Medicines for severe Covid-Diseases can continue to be imported and used in Switzerland, even if they are not yet approved in Switzerland. In particular, Covid-Certificates required for Travel abroad may continue to be issued. Employers could be obliged to protect Those who are particularly at risk and allow them to work from Home, for example. Currently suspended SwissCovid-App could be
reactivated if necessary.

The Referendum was made possible by a Referendum’s Committee, which opposed the Extension of the Covid-19 Act. If the Extension is rejected, the current Provisions will cease to apply in mid-December 2023.

Voting Question is: "Do you accept the Amendment of December 16, 2022 to the Federal Law on the Legal Basis for Federal Council Ordinances to Address the Covid-19 Epidemic?"

Federal Government:
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Stating that "the Covid-19 Law is an important Law for the Federal Government and the Cantons, enabling them to contain the Covid-19 Pandemic and mitigate its Effects. In the event of an Emergency, the Federal Government and Parliament want to be able to rely on proven Measures to protect at-risk Persons and the Health Care System".

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 140 YES, 50 NO, and 6 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 39 YES, 1 NO, and 4 Abstentions.

In favor of the Amendment are Parties Die Mitte, FDP, SP, Green Party, Green Liberal (GLP), EVP, and Conference of the Cantonal Governments.

Circles critical of the Measures such as "Mass-voll" and "Friends of the Constitution", which make up the Referendum’s Committee, recommend "NO", saying, "The Extension of the Covid-19 Law is useless and harmful. This Law would allow the Reintroduction of discriminatory Measures at any time, and a Vote against it would overcome the Division in our Society and restore Normality."
Against: Are also the Parties SVP and EDU, which expressed Opposition.

Video of the May 2, 2023 Press Conference by Minister of the Interior (EDI) Alain Berset and Others.





As a basic Measure provided for in the Law, the Federal Government can protect Employees at risk in their Companies by, for example, ordering a Home Office. Even if Borders are closed due to the Pandemic, foreign Workers, especially those in the Medical Field can still enter the Country.

Switzerland introduced strict Entry Restrictions in the early Stages of the Pandemic. In the unlikely Event that such Restrictions become necessary again, the Law will allow some 400,000 Cross-Border Commuters (34,000 of whom work in Hospitals or at Homes) to work in Switzerland.

Roland Buehlmann of the Referendum’s Committee says, "This Measure is not very effective: the only People really at risk from Covid-19 are those over 65, and they have reached Retirement Age."

The SVP-Party argues that in the current State of the Pandemic, it does not make Sense to return to mandatory Certification, since Vaccination can cause severe Illness, but does not prevent further Spread of the Disease.

The BAG (Federal Office of Public Health) counters that Vaccination not only slows the Spread of the Disease, but also reduces the Severity of the Disease. Therefore, we believe that the Use of this Certificate will continue to make Sense.

But is the Certificate necessary for International Travel? The Question remains.
According to a Spokesperson for Travel Agency Kuoni, the USA is now the only Country in which Vaccination is mandatory for Travelers entering the Country.

Roland Buehlmann of the Referendum's Committee says about the Certificate, "If it is so unlikely to be used and only supposed to be used for Travel, why was it decided that way?"

Even if the June 18 Vote rejects the Law, it would only shorten the Law's Validity by six Months, since the Law is in effect until mid-December 2023, even if it is rejected.
If the Voters say "YES", the Law will expire on June 30, 2024.
In addition to the SVP-Party, the FDP has stated that it will not agree to any further Extension.

At the Time of the Emergency, at the Beginning of the Covid-19 Epidemic, the Federal Government suddenly invoked extrajudicial Measures against the Population.
The Corona-Virus Crisis effectively meant a Suspension of Democracy.
The Swiss Government declared a State of Emergency and suspended the Federal Parliament, which was in Session.
Soon after, a special Session of Parliament was convened with Corona-Virus Specifications, and a Number of Corona-Virus Measures were decided upon by Parliament.
Up to this Point, however, the Federal Government controlled all Functions of the Country, and Parliamentary Democracy was said to be paralyzed.
A Number of Swiss Citizens were alarmed by this Situation.
However, it is an important Issue to consider that the Corona-Measures include Compensation for lost Working-Time, and not a few People have been rescued by such Compensation.

Our magazine Vol. 192 - July 01, 2020 "Thoughts on Switzerland's Corona Crisis"

jp-Swiss-journal Vol. 192


A Poll by SRG, the Swiss Public Broadcaster, reported that "almost three-quarters of the Swiss People are in favor of the OECD Minimum Tax", and that "the Implementation of the Climate Protection Law has a large Lead in favor despite a growing Trend of Opposition," and that "Voting Intentions for the Covid-19 Law remain unchanged in favor. With a Majority in favor of all three Bills, the Report explained that it would be a tough Situation to overturn the Approval or Disapproval of the Bills.

 スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament:

[Editor's Postscript]

Anyway, about all of these Voting-Topics, Voters will have to make heavy Decisions.
The Way the Minister in charge explains each Topic at the Press Conference may be a Point worthy of Attention as the Public judges the Politicians.
The Video of the Press Conference, with its tense and realistic Atmosphere, is quite interesting.
By the way, on June 12, some Swiss Federal Government's Websites were attacked by Hackers calling themselves "No Name," and some of the Links that were being viewed were no longer visible. (A.H.)


★ メルマガ版登録申し込み先:
★ jSj編集部宛:

  ★ Issuer/発行元: Akiko Huerlimann & Editors' Group
Copyright (C) 1998-2023 Akiko Huerlimann /


Blog版 jSj Vol. 214 「スイス最古の銀行CSの命運と市民が知っておくべき事 【第二部】」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 214 - May 08, 2023 (Swiss Time)


【J】 スイス最古の銀行クレディスイス(CS)の命運と
   市民が知っておくべき事柄 【第二部】
                     明子 ヒューリマン

【E】 Fate of Credit Suisse (CS), the Oldest Bank in Switzerland,
        and Things Citizens Need to Know.  [Part 2]

                     Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━

    市民が知っておくべき事柄 【第二部】

                     明子 ヒューリマン




1989年、国際的な金融グループへの戦略的移行を目指して、CS Holdingの子会社になり、その後クレディ・スイス(CS)とザ・ファースト・ボストン・コーポレーションが提携を開始した1997年、クレディ・スイス・グループに統合されて、米国資本に組み込まれて行く契機になった。



1977年、当時の「シュヴァイツェリシェ・クレディータンシュタルト(SKA) 」の社長に就任したそのわずか1年後、彼はファーストボストンと協力協定を結び、1988年以降、クレディ・スイス・ファースト・ボストン(CSFB)と呼ばれるようになった。後に取締役会長になり、高利回り商品だけでなく、企業買収や合併のビジネスでも世界一になった。グートは2000年に銀行を去ったが、90歳の彼は現在も名誉総裁。












































復活祭開けの4月11日火曜日からは、「CS - モンスター討論会」と称された臨時連邦議会が開かれた。国民議会と全州議会で二日間にわたって、UBSに対する政府保証の是非、主犯の追求、経営陣のボーナスの規定、「大き過ぎて潰せない」事態を抑止する規制等が議論された。


 2023年4月13日には、ポータルサイト「Inside Paradeplatz」が、「UBSは、CS・スイスの少なくとも一部の株式公開を計画しており、現在その準備を米JPMorganに依頼している」と内部関係者の話として書いた。




ベルン大学法学部のペーター・クンツ教授は、「スイスが国際的なロシア・タスクフォースに参加することは、法的には問題ない。しかし、制裁の実施に関する米国とG7諸国の批判は、政治的な動機によるもので、G-7 諸国の批判は見当違いだ」と2023年4月16日付けのターゲス・アンツァイガー紙で述べている。



















【 編集後記 】


関連情報は姉妹誌【WSNH No. 964 - March 24, 2023】でもご紹介した。


━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   Fate of Credit Suisse (CS) , the Oldest Bank in Switzerland,
   and Things Citizens Need to Know.  [Part 2]

                    Akiko Huerlimann

Swiss Banking began with the Founding of the "Schweizerische Kreditanstalt" commonly called as the "SKA." I read in a Book an Anecdote that when the Bank was founded in Zurich in 1856, mainly by the Textile Industry, there were long Lines of Citizens who wanted to deposit their Savings in the Bank.

Swiss Online Encyclopedia says that "Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA)" began establishing Branches throughout the Country in 1905, and was responsible for Financing the Development of the Swiss Railroad System, which became a national Project, as well as developing into a Bank for Citizens.


For the Swiss People, the "SKA" has traditionally been their Bank. In 1989, "SKA" became a Subsidiary of CS Holding in a strategic Move toward becoming an international  Financial Group, and was later integrated into the Credit Suisse Group in 1997, when Credit Suisse (CS) and The First Boston Corporation began their Alliance.
The Company became the "Mastermind" of the CS-Drama.

Under the Headline "The main Culprits in the CS-Drama," the March 21 Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper ran a large double-page Spread with eight Photographs of "the many high-profile Executives who brought down Switzerland's second largest Bank, and the Tragedy began early."


The First was Mr. Rainer E. Gut:
Credit Suisse's Entry into Wall Street’s Investment Banking and its Culture of Risk with high Bonuses began with him.
In 1977, just one Year after becoming President of what was then called "Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA)", he signed a Cooperation Agreement with First Boston, and since 1988, it became known as Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB). He later became Chairman of the Board and became the World's Number One Bank not only in high-yield Products, but also in the Business of Acquisitions and Mergers. Rainer E. Gut left the Bank in 2000, but the 90-year-old is still Honorary President.


The Second is Mr. Walter Kielholz:
While he served on the Board from 1999 to 2014, the Share Price plummeted by more than 40%. The USA has been investigating the Bank since 2011 and found in a US-Indictment that between 2000 and 2008 it aided and abetted Tax Evasion by Dummy Companies and foreign Accounts of rich Americans and filed false Documents with US-Tax Authorities; in 2014, a Settlement was reached with a Record Fine of USD 2.8 Billion.
Already in 2012, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) had reprimanded CS for "grossly Violating its Obligations to Record, Limit, and Monitor Risks associated with its US- Operations." Mr. Walter Kielholz resigned as Chairman of CS in 2009, but remained on the Board and should have acted as a longtime responsible Member.


The Third was Mr. Brady Dougan:
An American from Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), he became Head of the entire Group in 2007. When testifying before the US-Senate on Tax Issues, he denied personal Responsibility, saying he had no Knowledge of any Wrongdoing by the Bank's Advisors. The Media all together reported that he was an "Unreasonable Manager". In 2010, Mr. Dougan received a huge Compensation Package of 90 Million Swiss Francs (CHF). Today, the 63-year-old Brady Dougan reportedly runs an Online Investment Bank in New York (USA).


The Fourth is Mr. Urs Rohner:
The former Chief Legal Counsel was elected CS-Chairman in 2012. During the 10 Years he was at the Helm of the Board, the Share Price fell from 35 Swiss Francs to 10 Swiss Francs. The Reason: the incessant Scandals. Swiss Urs Rohner himself, now 63-year-old, is unscathed, having received about 42 Million Swiss Francs (CHF) during his Tenure as Chairman.


The Fifth is Mr. Tidjane Thiam from the Ivory Coast:
He became CEO of Credit Suisse (CS) in 2015. The Bank posted a Loss of about 3 Billion Swiss Francs (CHF), including an extraordinary Write-Down of his Predecessor's Takeover Deal. Initially, Tidjane Thiam reduced his Bonus, but when another multi-billion Loss occurred the following Year, he significantly increased his Salary. Mr. Tidjane Thiam
resigned in 2020 after a Spying Case that led him to track down Mr. Iqbal Khan.
Mr. Iqbal Khan, who was Head of Wealth Management at CS, moved to rival UBS-Bank.
Mr. Tidjane Thiam, now 60-year-old, serves on the International Olympic Committee's Finance Committee.


The Sixth is Mr. Thomas Gottstein:
In 2020, Thomas Gottstein, who had been in charge of Swiss Operations, was named CEO of Credit Suisse (CS). Publicly, he promised to change the Culture, but behind Closed Doors, he said the Bank had no Cultural Problems, calling repeated Billion-Dollar Fines as a Result of Scandals "Part of the Business Model" and "Part of the Game". After Failing miserably in the quarterly Results, Thomas Gottstein stepped down in 2022 for "Health and Personal Reasons". What the 59-year-old is doing now is unknown.


The Seventh is Mr. Severin Schwan:
A former CEO of Roche Group from Austria, he is the current Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Group Roche and had a special Role in Credit Suisse (CS). Roche traditionally sent Representatives to the Bank's Board of Directors. The Purpose was to keep abreast of the Economic Situation, and he considered the Banking Business itself to be easy. He was a Member of CS's Board from 2014 to 2022, making him almost one of its longest-serving Members. He was a Member of the Risk and Nominating Committee, a Vice Chairman, and the lead independent Director with a Supervisory Role over the Chairman. However, during Mr. Schwan's long eight-year Tenure on the CS-Board, Risk Management failed and, according to FINMA, he violated his Supervisory Duties "in a Serious Way." Furthermore, Mr. Severin Schwan supported CS-Chairman Urs Rohner even as the Bank approached the Abyss. Meanwhile, Roche Group is no longer represented on the CS-Board of Directors.


The Eighth is Mr. Axel Lehmann:
A former UBS-Banker, he became Chairman of Credit Suisse (CS) in January 2022, but failed to come up with a convincing Strategy to restore Confidence in Costs and the Bank. After Rumors of Problems with Liquid Funds, in Autumn 2022 Clients withdrew their Funds. On December 1, 2022, Mr. Lehmann declared in an Interview with the "Financial Times" that the Outflow of Funds had "completely leveled off" and "partially reversed." However, this was False. In February 2023, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) investigated the Matter.
As a result, he became the last Chairman of Credit Suisse (CS).

The March 22, 2023 Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper published an Interview with Economic Historian and University of Zurich Professor Tobias Straumann, who said, "I think the best Thing to do would have been to partially nationalize Credit Suisse (CS), so that we could have kept our two big Banks.

Wirtschaftshistoriker im Interview: «Am besten hätte man die Credit Suisse teil­­ver­staatlicht» | Tages-Anzeiger

The Professor further testified that "clearly Foreign Finance Ministers, Central Banks, and 'too big to fail' Regulators have pressured in Case of Credit Suisse (CS) not to do so." He also stated that "the Alienation between the CS-Bank and the Public had already started in the 1990s" as the Management Team began to engage in risky Business of US-Origin.

The Swiss Public Broadcaster SRF also reported a Voice from the Political World saying, "Still, the Credit Suisse (CS) should not be completely extinguished."

CS-Übernahme durch UBS - Die Credit Suisse soll doch nicht ganz sterben - News - SRF

Mr. Thierry Burkart, Leader of the center-right Conservative Party FDP, said, "The Swiss Arm of Credit Suisse (CS) should be spun off. This would be the best Solution for Switzerland as a Business Location, and the Big Banks should be smaller. This would not only save the most Jobs, but also improve the competitive Situation in the Swiss Banking
Industry, which will be beneficial for Swiss Clients, especially small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, he emphasized, "This Measure will minimize the Risk to
Switzerland in the event of a UBS-Failure.

Conservative Party SVP also believes that Credit Suisse (CS) should be prevented from Disappearing completely, and Mr. Thomas Aeschi, President of the Parliamentary Group, set the Conditions under which the SVP could agree to a Guarantee of Swiss Francs (CHF) 109 Billion. We must consider how we can restore Competition," he said.

Swiss SMEs are very active around the World, so the Presence of a Universal Bank is indispensable, which is why UBS-Bank alone is not enough to ease the Uneasiness.

On Wednesday, March 29,2023, it was announced that Swiss Ticino Native Mr. Sergio Ermotti will once again take the Helm (CEO) of UBS-Bank.


At a Press Conference, he said, "I am honored to lead UBS in these Times. The Challenges ahead are urgent and difficult, and I recognize the current Uncertainties. I am focused on achieving the Best possible Results for our Clients, our Employees, our Shareholders, and the Swiss Government," he promised.

The most important Task is to "stabilize the Situation at Credit Suisse (CS) and to correct the bad CS-Corporate Culture," explained Reto Lipp, SRF's Economics Editor.

CS-Übernahme durch die UBS - Sergio Ermotti kehrt als Konzernchef der UBS zurück - News - SRF

The Selection was also reportedly based on a secret Demand that a Swiss National should lead the new Superbank, which is backed by the Federal Government and the Swiss National Bank (SNB).

Mr. Sergio Ermotti, 62-year-old, was CEO of UBS-Bank for nine Years from 2011 to 2020.
He led UBS out of the 2008 Financial Crisis, and under his Leadership UBS once again enjoyed great Success, almost without Scandal, and he was considered the most capable Banker of his Generation, even it said there was no one else qualified for the Job but him.

In November 2020, Sergio Ermotti was succeeded as CEO by Dutchman Ralph Hamers. CEO Ralph Hamers was tasked with driving Digitalization, but he readily agreed to step down, saying that "he understood that his new Role would require Change".

Überraschende Rückkehr - Darum setzt die UBS wieder auf Ermotti als CEO - News - SRF

Sergio Ermotti actually dreamed of becoming a Professional Soccer Player or a Sports Teacher after graduating from Junior High School, then decided to became an Intern at Lugano's Regional Bank "Corner Bank" at the Age of 15 until he entered University.


Apprentices (Lehrling/Trainee) spend Three Years learning Practical Skills in the Workplace while attending a Vocational Training School, and then pass a Swiss National Exam to obtain a National Diploma.

His Father was a Bank Manager who had emigrated from Italy to Swiss Ticino, so one can imagine that he had received a fair Amount of Tutelage.

At the "Corner Bank," he became interested in the Foreign Exchange Business and began his Career after receiving practical Training in the Securities Department of the Bank and obtaining a "Swiss Federal Diploma in Banking". In later Years, he completed the Advanced Management Program at Oxford University (UK).
In addition to his native Italian, he speaks German, English, and French.

The Conservative Camp in Swiss Politics was reportedly relieved by this Appointment, but in fact, the Swiss Public was also relieved.

In an Interview with Tages-Anzeiger on April 3, 2023, Arturo Bliss, a Professor at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, said, "The best Thing to do is to keep Credit Suisse (CS)-Schweiz as a Sister Bank of UBS Group.

Top-Ökonom im Interview: «Am besten würde die CS Schweiz als Schwesterbank der UBS weiterbestehen» | Tages-Anzeiger

"American CEO Brady Dougan: laid the Groundwork for the Expansion of Investment Banking, but the Swiss Commercial Bank has since stopped focusing on this Area. A Culture of Unaccountability prevailed". "The Culture always changes from the Top, that is why the UBS-Board chose Mr. Sergio Ermotti. He has the Aura of a reliable and experienced Swiss Banker." he also says.

On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 after Easter, a special Session of the Swiss Parliament, known as the "CS - Monster Debate," was held. For two Days, Swiss National Council and the Council of State Legislatures debated the Merits of the Government Guarantee for UBS, pursuit of the main Culprit, Provisions for Management Bonuses, and Regulations to deter "Too Big to Fail" Situations, among other Issues.

Then, on the second Day, the "Government Guarantee for UBS totaling 109 Billion Swiss Francs (CHF)" was rejected by a Swiss National Council Vote. However, the Position of the Swiss Federal Government and the Treasury Department is that the "No" Vote will not affect the CS-Agreement.
The Parliamentary Finance Committee also conveyed this Message to the National Council before the extraordinary Parliament Session earlier in the Week, but it was hardly questioned. Experts are divided on the Legal Basis for "whether Swiss Federal Government requires Parliament Approval".
Some View the Move by Politicians with an Eye on the upcoming National Parliament Elections scheduled for this Autunm as not necessarily in Line with the Swiss National Interest.

Credit-Suisse-Notkredite: Darf der Bundesrat das Nein im Parlament ignorieren? | Tages-Anzeiger

On April 13, 2023 the Portal "Inside Paradeplatz" wrote that "UBS is planning at least a partial IPO (Initial Public Offering of CS-Switzerland and is now asking JPMorgan to prepare for it," according to an Insider.

UBS holt JP Morgan für Börsengang der CS Schweiz - Inside Paradeplatz

The April 17, 2023 Edition of Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper reported on the growing International Pressure on Switzerland in Connection with Sanctions against Russia.

Professor Peter Kunz of the University of Bern's Faculty of Law said, "There is no legal Problem for Switzerland to participate in the International Russia Task Force. However, the Criticism of the USA and the G-7 Countries regarding Implementation of Sanctions is politically motivated, and Criticism of the G-7 Countries is misplaced," he stated in the April 16、2023 of Tages-Anzeiger.

Streit um Russengelder in der Schweiz: «Kritik der G-7-Staaten ist verfehlt» | Tages-Anzeiger

Switzerland has adopted European Union (EU) Sanctions against Russia, but Tax Payments are not subject to Sanctions, and according to Swiss Federal Economic Office (SECO), the Russian Ministry of Finance is not directly sanctioned.
Neither Swiss Government nor SECO will dictate which Customers a Bank may maintain Business Relationships with unless they are on the Sanctions List, SECO responded upon Request.

Banks must report Deposits of more than 100,000 Swiss Francs to SECO.

This does not apply to Customers who hold Swiss or EU-Passports in addition to a Russian Passport or a Residence Permit.

Russland-Sanktionen : Schweizer Banken werden gegenüber Kunden aus Russland vorsichtiger | Tages-Anzeiger

Switzerland's basic Stance is that Switzerland, as a Country governed by the Rule of Law, refuses to freeze Assets of Russians that it cannot identify as illegal or to turn frozen Assets over to support Ukraine. It also does not approve of sending Swiss Arms sold to Germany to Ukraine.

The German Ambassador to Switzerland even pressured Switzerland, saying that "Neutrality is Outdated."

Tim Guldimann im Interview: «Die Frustration über die Schweiz ist sehr gross» | Tages-Anzeiger

The April 18, 2023, Edition of the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper reported widely that "NATO- Countries Dissatisfaction with Switzerland is growing very high".

The US-Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Scott Miller, who likened Switzerland to a Doughnut and made it clear that Switzerland enjoys NATO's Protection even though it is not a Member, is happy that Switzerland is filling the Doughnut Hole by having decided to buy US-F-35 Fighter Jets," said the well-trained former Swiss Ambassador to Berlin, the Swiss Diplomat Tim Guldimann explained in the April 18, 2023 Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper.

On the same Day, Swiss Federal President Mr. Alain Berset, on a Visit to Germany, said, "You cannot demand that People break their own Laws. Switzerland cooperates well with the G7-Task Force. However, Switzerland is not a Member of either the G7 or the G20, so formal Membership in the Task Force is not on the Agenda" by expressing Switzerland's Position as a law-abiding Country.

Berset in Deutschland: «Man kann nicht verlangen, dass wir unsere eigenen Gesetze brechen» | Tages-Anzeiger

The Swiss Federal Government had received a critical Letter by the G-7 Ambassadors over Fundings of Oligarchs! However, informal Announcements by Swiss Officials from the three Departments indicate that initial Fears about the Letter have, in part, calmed down to a certain Degree, concluding that G-7 Ambassadors acted on their own Initiative, without closely involving "their" Governments.
This is because it was reported that none of the Swiss Government Ministers who were in contact with the G-7 Ministers brought up the Subject of the Letter. They rather emphasized the Atmosphere and the excellent and friendly cooperation with Switzerland.

Russengelder und Sanktionen: Was die Schweiz auf den kritischen Brief der G-7 antwortet | Tages-Anzeiger

In any case, the reputational Risk of doing Business with Russia has become a Problem that not only Politicians but also Swiss Banks cannot afford to overlook.

Regarding the Roadmap for the CS-Acquisition, the April 26, 2023, Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper interviewed UBS-CEO Sergio Ermotti. He said, "We still expect the Acquisition to be finalized in the second Quarter of 2023. Only then will we have accurate Information on how to proceed with the Merger".

Fahrplan der CS-Übernahme: Wann ist der «Tag 1»? Was die UBS zum CS-Deal sagt | Tages-Anzeiger

In the first Quarter 2023, UBS reportedly spent USD 70 Million on Consultants related to the CS- Acquisition.

This Series of external Pressures not only shook Switzerland's Position as a financial Powerhouse, but even threatened its national Survival. It seems that all Switzerland can do is to use its intelligence Network to understand what is really going on and to take Measures to avert a Crisis.

[Editor's Postscript]

I have written about Things that Citizens should know, but as I followed the Information, I found that many of them were technical in Nature. Even so, we are living in such a complicated and confusing Era that we cannot protect ourselves if we simply ignore what we do not need to know, even if we think the Content is unusual. (A.H.)

Related Information was also published in our Sister Publication
[WSNH No. 964 - March 24, 2023].

The Links to the Information Sources are listed in the Text for Readers who want more detailed Information. Most of the Information is paid for, but just for your Reference.


★ メルマガ版推奨登録先:
Mail to:

★ Issuer/発行元: Akiko Huerlimann & Editors' Group
Copyright (C) 1998-2023 Akiko Huerlimann /


Blog版 jSj Vol. 213 「スイス最古の銀行CSの命運と市民が知っておくべき事【第一部】」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog


jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 213 - April 25, 2023 (Swiss Time)






【J】 スイス最古の銀行クレディスイス(CS)の命運と
   市民が知っておくべき事柄 【第一部】


                       明子 ヒューリマン


【E】 Fate of Credit Suisse (CS), the Oldest Bank in Switzerland,
        and Things Citizens Need to Know. [Part 1]


                       Akiko Huerlimann



━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━





                      明子 ヒューリマン







当事者として雛壇で説明したのは、連邦大統領、財務大臣、金融市場監督局長(FINMA)、スイス国立銀行総裁、そして、UBS グループ取締役会会長とクレディスイス取締役会会長の6名。Covid-19の記者会見を思い起こさせられる、ただならぬ緊張感が漂っていた。





19.03.23 - BP Berset - BR Keller-Sutter zu: Finanzplatz Schweiz
















この事を裏付けるかのように、SMIでCS Groupの株価が、米銀の破綻に同調するように下落した。























因みに、UBS Groupの株価は、一時的に急落したものの、回復はしている。








関連情報は姉妹誌【WSNH No. 964 - March 24, 2023】でもご紹介した。



今回は、更に詳しい情報を知りたい読者の為に、情報源のリンク先を文中に掲載した。殆どが有料乍ら、ご参考まで。 (A.H.)



━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━



   Fate of Credit Suisse (CS), the Oldest Bank in Switzerland,
   and Things Citizens Need to Know.


                     Akiko Huerlimann


               [Part 1]


The Swiss Government held an Emergency Press Conference on Sunday, March 19, 2023, to announce the "forced Takeover" of CS by the Swiss Bank UBS.


The six People who spoke at the Podium were the Swiss Federal President, the Minister of Finance, the Director General of the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), the President of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), the Chairman of the Board of UBS Group, and the Chairman of the Board of Credit Suisse (CS). There was an unusual Tension that reminded me of a Covid-19 Press Conference.


The Press Conference, which lasted 1 Hour and 36 Minutes, was held in German, but Consideration for Foreign Journalists, part of the Explanation was given in English, and Q&A were also given in French.


[ Video of the Press Conference]


19.03.23 - BP Berset - BR Keller-Sutter zu: Finanzplatz Schweiz


Karin Keller-Sutter, the Swiss Minister of Finance, explained that "the Aim is to stop the Chain of Bank Failures at home and abroad by announcing a forced Takeover before the Asian Markets open. She also said that she had spoken with US-Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the British Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt, suggesting Pressure from the USA and the UK.
It is also reported that US-Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is rumored to have pressed for "the Exclusion of CS from the Payment System."


The Swiss Government Website explains, "UBS announced today that it stands ready to take over Credit Suisse. The Swiss Federal Council welcomes this Move as an important Contribution to financial Market Stability. The Swiss Federal Council has agreed on additional Liquidity Measures to ensure Business Continuity at Credit Suisse until the Takeover is completed and to reduce the Burden on the Swiss Economy."

UBS's Announcement of the Credit Suisse Acquisition stated, "The Transaction does not require Shareholder Approval and has received prior Agreement from FINMA, the Swiss National Bank, the Swiss Federal Treasury and other Key Regulatory Authorities that the Transaction will be approved in a timely Manner." The Company (UBS) suggests that it is
a forced Acquisition by stating that.

 After the Press Conference, USA and UK Reports earlier this Week praised Switzerland's Response in stopping the Domino Bankruptcy. In other Words, it seems to be saying that "the Situation was settled as expected."


This is because, to give an Overview of the Background preceding this, March 15 Tages-Anzeiger (TA) Newspaper reported that "US-Financial Institutions are in crisis". The Failures of US-Banks were followed by Silvergate Bank on March 9, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on March 10, and Signature Bank on March 12, as the Outflow of Deposits accelerated due to rising Credit Concerns.


At that time, it is reported that PayPal Founder Peter Thiel called out on SMS, "SVB is dangerous! Withdraw it immediately!" Toyo Keizai ONLINE reported, "Goldman's heinous Deals that preyed on failed Banks and shameless Deals with SVB will inevitably become the Targets of Scrutiny." by The New York Times (NYT).


The same NYT also reported, "Share Prices Plunge Credit Suisse What's Wrong? The Problem is not the Aftermath of the Silicon Valley Bank Failure," but it is the Way of Reporting that ignores Cause and Effect.


Around this Time, Anglo-Saxon Financial Media such as the "Financial Times," "Bloomberg," and "Reuters" were reporting frequently on the Negotiations surrounding the Takeover of Credit Suisse.

Swiss Media reported that the "Sell your CS Shares" Campaign was relentlessly repeated on Twitter, including by Australian ABC-TV Journalist David Taylor, pushing Credit Suisse into the Abyss.


As if to confirm this, CS Group's Share Price fell at SMI in sync with the Collapse of the US-Bank.

 On March 18, 2023, Bloomberg followed up by reporting that at least four Major Banks, including Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank, had restricted their Business with Credit Suisse.


Switzerland's Fear of a Chain of US-Bank Failures is evident in the Fact that it has the World's largest "Banking Sector" in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
For example, in FY 2019, Switzerland has a Banking Sector of over 500% of GDP, with the UK in second Place at just under 400%, followed by France, the Netherlands, and Canada in the 300% Range, Sweden, Belgium, Japan, and Germany in the 200% Range, and Italy and the USA in the 100% Range. (Source: Swiss National Bank/SNB)


When UBS's Acquisition of CS was announced, it was described as "Zombies are leaving and becoming Monsters", and there were Voices of Concern about UBS's Power.
However, there are still Major Banks in Switzerland, such as Raiffeisen Schweiz and Zuercher Kantonalbank (ZKB).
In 2022 the Number of full-time Employees of the big Swiss Banks is 20,000 for UBS, 16,700 for Credit Suisse (CS), 9,900 for Raiffeisen, and 5,200 for ZKB.
There is much Interest in how well Credit Suisse's Employment will be protected in the Future.


Meanwhile, on March 23, 2023, the Japanese Version of Bloomberg reported "Wall Street and European Rivals watch for an Opportunity to get Credit Suisse's Talents."


In any case, Credit Suisse has been repeatedly referred to as "system-relevant" in the Swiss Financial System, and is still recognized as a Blue-Chip Bank.


On March 20, 2023, the TA-Newspaper published an Article summarizing "What Citizens should know in the End of Credit Suisse", so let's take a Look at the main Points.

 First, Depositors' Savings are not at risk and they can withdraw their Deposits through normal Channels and continue to use their existing Financial Services.
However, it is expected that sooner or later certain Adjustments, such as small Changes in the Terms and Conditions of Financial Products, will be made.


Basically, Savings are now Safe. The New Bank has no Reason to fear as it holds sufficient Capital.
But the Psychological Factor was difficult to assess, and Credit Suisse Clients were panicking. In the Week leading up to March 19, it is estimated that up to 10 Billion Swiss Francs or more of their Assets under Custody flowed out every Day.


While it is still unclear to what extent the Post-Merger Uncertainty will spill over to UBS, the Swiss Federal Government and the Swiss National Bank (SNB) have provided extensive Guarantees as a temporary Safeguard.
Apart from this, there is also a Deposit Guarantee Program of up to CHF 100,000 per Client and per Bank.


On the other hand, Credit Suisse (CS) Shareholders will suffer a significant Loss.
Shareholders will have to accept the Takeover Price agreed to by each Party in an Emergency Response, with a Share Price of 76 cents per Share.
This would hit not only small Shareholders but also, for example, Pension Funds.
Normally, such a Merger would require Shareholder Approval, but the Swiss Federal Government limited the Right to Co-Determination because the dramatic initial Situation required a quicker Response.


By the way, the Stock Price of UBS Group has recovered, although it temporarily plummeted.


               [Part 2 will be in the next Issue]



[Editor's Postscript]


Since mid-March, I have been thinking about how the Situation came to this Point while watching various News Reports.


Now, more than a Month later, I have come to realize that the Problem does not end with Credit Suisse (CS). The Future of CS and UBS could be a Crisis of the very Existence of Switzerland.
I would like to examine this further in the second Part (2) of this Report.


Related Information was also published in our Sister Publication
[WSNH No. 964 - March 24, 2023].



The Links to the Information Sources are listed in the Text for Readers who want more detailed Information. Most of the Information is paid for, but just for your Reference. (A.H.)




★ メルマガ版推奨登録先:




★ Issuer/発行元: Akiko Huerlimann & Editors' Group
Copyright (C) 1998-2023 Akiko Huerlimann /



Blog版 jSj Vol. 212 「スイスの際立つ二院制の特徴」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 212

February 07, 2023 (Swiss Time)



               明子 ヒューリマン

【E】Characteristics of the Swiss bicameral system

               Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━


               明子 ヒューリマン










「grosse Kammer」の「国民議会議員(Nationalrat)」



「kleine Kammer」と呼ばれる「全州議会







Federal Chancellor」のみで構成されている。











から 。


【 編集後記 】


━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━


 Characteristics of the Swiss Bicameral System

                Akiko Huerlimann

Japan's "Vote Disparity" is being endlessly
challenged in Court, and the Court's Decisions on
this Issue whether "Unconstitutional or
Constitutional?" is reported from Time to Time.
However, it is difficult to understand such a
Decision as "Although it is Unconstitutional,
Election Results cannot be said to be invalid,"
as if it were a Zen-Question.

In order to reduce this "Disparity in Votes,"
I have long wondered about the "Combining
Districts" Proposal that has been considered and
adopted in several local Electoral Districts.

If the Number of Councilors in Areas with fewer
Voters is reduced in order to protect the Value
of a Clean Vote, will this inevitably lead to a
Regression in local Autonomy?

If we continue to increase the Influx of
Population into large Cities, the Number of
Legislators in Metropolitan Areas will inevitably
continue to increase.
It even seems that the "Vote Disparity" Battle is
in Reality a Measure to promote Depopulation of
rural Areas.

However, some have pointed out that "the LDP-
Party has been pursuing a Policy for many Years
of favoring rural Areas through Public Works
Projects and other Measures by creating a
Disparity in Votes between Rural and Urban Areas.
Certainly, there seems to be a Situation where
local Business and Political Bosses reign Supreme.
(Switzerland is not without such Circumstances

In Reality, however, the Online Edition of the
Nikkei Shimbun reports that the Number of People
moving into the Tokyo Area in 2022 has increased.

Concentration in Large Cities contributes to
the Fragility of National Defense.
Placing Self-Defense Forces in remote Areas
limits the Extent to which the entire Country
can be monitored in full. The Land can be better
protected and defended only if there are strong
Residents in each Region who have accumulated
the Human Strength to survive without Convenience
Just as City Dwellers cooperate with each other
to maintain local Security.

By the way, "What Kind of Country is
Switzerland?" if you ask me, I can answer, 
The Rules are good and it is easy to live."
It is often written in the Comments of short-
term Residents introduced in the Monthly Magazine
of the Zurich Japan Club.
I am convinced that the Ease of Living is nothing
but the Result of Political Stability.

Switzerland is known for its Direct Democracy,
and this is guaranteed not only by the Expression
of the Political Will of the Population in
Popular Votings, but also by a System that allows
a great deal of Autonomy to local Governments.
This is not surprising, since the Regions know
better than the Central Authorities.

The Swiss Bicameral System adopted by the Swiss
Federal Parliament differs from the Japanese
System in that both Chambers are elected by the
People every four Years and have Equal Powers.

The "Grosse Kammer", Nationalrat [National
Council] has 200 Members elected by Proportional
The Number of Members per Canton depends on the
Population of the Canton, which is entitled to
One Member (Councilor) for every 40,000
Inhabitants. The most populous Canton, Zurich,
sends 35 Deputies to Bern.

Since the Constitution guarantees at least One
Seat to each Canton, even to Cantons with less
than 40,000 Inhabitants, each of the six Cantons
concerned sends one Deputy to the National

Although the National Council is a large Body
representing the People, it is influenced by
political Party Politics, with each political
Party Faction taking the Initiative and trying to
organize the Agenda of the Parliament and often
arriving to a different parliamentary Verdict.
Therefore, Laws and Policies are sometimes
settled through Collusion among partisan

The 46-Member "Kleine Kammer", Staenderat
[Council of States] is elected by a Majority Vote,
with two Representatives from each Canton and one
from each Half-Canton.

The "State Councilors" are Representatives of the
Cantons, but they act without Instructions from
the Cantonal Government or Parliament.
In the Past, the Verdicts of the "State
Councilors" were closed to the Public, but
recently it has been made public due to growing
Criticism of its Opaqueness. Because of its
Reputation as a deliberative Assembly, the Status
of its Members is regarded as higher than that of
the "National Counsilor Members.

The National Council and the Council of State meet
separately four Times a Year for three-weeks
Sessions. The two Chambers (United Federal
Assembly) meet at least once a Year, usually in
December, and primarily elect the Federal
Councilors (Government Ministers) and Members of
the Federal Supreme Court.

Most Members of the Swiss Parliament have a
Profession; the Concept is known as the "Militia
Parliament" ("semi-Professional Parliament"),
spending an Average of 60% of their Working Time
on their Duties.

Switzerland is a landlocked Country, surrounded
by European Powers, which are able to cross Swiss
Borders from anywhere, so it can be said that
Switzerland respects the local Autonomy in order
to protect its own Borders and maintain its
National Unity.

Switzerland's basic Principle is Federalism,
with 26 Cantons and about 2,200 Gemeinde/Communes
(Municipalities), each with far-reaching Powers.
However, there are considerable Disparities in
Tax Revenues naturally, and regional Disparities
are an important Political Issue.

To compensate for regional Disparities in Tax
Revenues, there is a System called "Nationaler
Finanz-Ausgleich" (National Fiscal Equalization).
This System is based on the Idea of Solidarity,
whereby the economically stronger Cantons and the
Federal Government provide Financial Support to
the economically weaker Cantons.

Therefore, the Scope of the Central Government
is limited, consisting of only Seven Members plus
the "Bundeskanzler / Federal Chancellor," which
is equivalent to Chief Cabinet Secretary in Japan.

On the Contrary, Article 43 of the Constitution
of Japan states: 

1. Both Houses of the Diet shall be composed of
elected Members representing All the People. 

2. The Number of Members of both Houses shall be
fixed by Law. 

"The Swiss National Council represents the
Population, and the Council of States represent
the Swiss Cantons." This is a fundamental
Difference from the basic Concept of the Swiss
Bicameral System. 

Japan's House of Councilors (Sangiin), known also
as the "House of Common Sense," is not dissolved
during its Term of Office. 
The House of Councilors (Sangiin) Alone has the
Power to hold an Emergency Session of the House
of Councilors during the Dissolution of the House
of Representatives (Shugiin) based on (Article
54, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution), thereby
preventing a Legislative Vacuum. 

However, the Qualities and Aspirations of most
Members of the House of Councilors (Sangiin),
needless to say the Members of the House of
Representatives (Shugiin), seem to have deviated
significantly from the Ideals that existed when
the System was first established. After the abrupt
Assassination of former Prime Minister Abe came to
light, it became widely known to the Public that a
Cult of Foreign Origin dominated the Japanese
Political World. 

What should be prioritized in order to develop the
Country in a proper Manner and protect the Lives
and Property of the Japanese People? This is the
Challenge. To guarantee the Livelihood of the
People, to make effective Use of Human and
Material Resources, and to distribute Tax Revenues
equitably, do we give Priority to local Autonomy?
Should Democracy be prioritized?

Balanced Development of the Nation's Land will
train the People's Human Capacity and contribute
to Homeland Defense. 
It is also essential to guarantee free
Competition in the Press and prevent Foreign

Rather than "not leaving a Bill" to the Next
Generation, I think it is far more important "not
to leave behind a tortured Political System".

In order for the People to maintain their
Democratic Rights, it should be the Role of
Adults to take an Interest in and monitor
Politics as a Matter of Duty. 

In this Sense, it was a foolish Measure to grant
the Right to vote, to Japanese Youths who are 18
Years old before they start Working. It is only
when they know the Reality of Earning a Living
that they will be able to understand the Society.

Comparing the Governments of Japan and
Switzerland, it must be said that Switzerland has
the Advantage in the current Situation. However,
since Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, "Swiss
Neutrality" has been put to the Test by external
Pressure of NATO via EU.

[Editor's Postscript] 

It is such a vast and complicated Topic to tackle
that I almost fell into the Depths, but then I
thought, "Can't something be done about Japan's
Parliamentary System? I dared to organize my daily
Doubts in a barbaric Manner. I then discovered
that in order to establish the Decentralization
in Japan, a Constitutional Amendment is necessary.
Even so, any System can be manipulated by People.
Whether the current Situation will lead the
Country into the right Direction or whether a
Major Reform of the System will be implemented
will depend on the Aspirations of the Japanese
I will continue to monitor the Japanese Politics
as closely as I do it for the Swiss Politics.


★ メルマガ版推奨登録先:


★ Issuer/発行元: Akiko Huerlimann & Editors' Group
Copyright (C) 1998-2023 Akiko Huerlimann /


Blog版 jSj Vol. 211 「スイスの連邦評議員(閣僚)の後任選事情」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 211 - December 15, 2022 (Swiss Time)


                      明子 ヒューリマン

【E】Swiss Federal Councillor's Succession Election Situation

                      Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


                     明子 ヒューリマン

スイスでは、連邦議会も地方議会も「Miliz-Parlament」、即ち議員達はパートタイム勤務で殆どが本職を持つ。議員は「Mandat (政治的委任)」を禁じられていない。

ブンデスラート(Bundesrat)」は、ドイツ語でスイス政府とその構成員を意味する。ブンデスラートは、1日24時間任務と言われ、「Mandat (政治的委任)」を引き受けることを禁じられているので、ブンデスラートとに選ばれたら、全ての政治的委任を解消しなければならない。

1. ウエリ・マウレル連邦評議員SVP(スイス国民党)の辞任表明



2. SVPの後任候補に5名が立候補を表明


保守のオピニオン誌「Weltwoche」のMarcel Odermatt記者が、「連邦評議員候補の中立性チェック」という記事を同誌28.10.2022に書いた。

この記事の前提となる背景は、2月28日、連邦内閣はEUと米国の対ロシア制裁を採択することを決定したこと。この数日前、SVPの関連組織「Pro Schweiz」は、スイスが交戦国に対する非軍事的報復、すなわち制裁の放棄を要求する「中立性イニシアティブ」を発表した。

Pro Schweiz:


1人目は元国民議会議員のHans-Ueli Vogt(チューリッヒ大学私法・商法教授)。この活動を推進する一人で、イニシアチブ委員会の委員を務めている。「スイスは、中立の立場を活かして紛争の予防と解決に努め、調停役として平和のために働くべきで、戦争に参加すべきではない」と主張する。

2人目のツーク州政府財務担当のHeinz Taennlerは、「中立性の意味は、ここ数十年で大きく変化しているので、中立性というテーマで白黒をつけるのは間違っている。かつて、この国は周囲を敵対勢力に囲まれ、互いに争っていた。だから、『傍観者』であることに意味がある。制裁を盲目的に受け入れるのではなく、慎重に検討すべきだったと、連邦政府の対応に疑問符を付けた。


3人目のWerner Salzmann全州議会議員は、「中立性が連邦憲法の目的条文に明記されており、スイスが2014年のクリミア危機の時と同様に制裁体制を遵守し続けることは正しい」と述べている。

4人目のAlbert Roesti国民議会議員は、「永続的な武装中立」を常に支持してきたと強調する。ETHT(連邦工科大学ツューリッヒ校)で農学部を専攻後、米ロチェスター大学のMBAを取得。2016年4月23日から2020年8月22日迄SVP党首を務めた。温厚な人柄と連邦議会での広い人脈から、最有力候補と称された。

5人目のNidwalden政府財務担当のMichele Bloechligerは、Pro Schweizの懸念にまだ納得していないので、このイニシアチブについて何の意見も表明していない。


そして11月3日、ヴェルトヴォッヘ誌の主筆で、SVPの国民議会議員でもあるRoger Koeppelが、社説「アルベルト・ロシュティは誤った候補(Albert Roesti ist der Falsche)」を書いた。


イグナツィオ・カシス(内科医)大統領は、来年行われる連邦評議員選を非常に恐れて左側に傾いている中立の麻酔科医。保健大臣のAlain BersetはKO前のカウントダウンの状態。「Simonetta Sommarugaは負けるのにうんざりしている。ヴィオラ・アムヘルド(弁護士)、ギー・パルメラン(ワイン醸造家)、カリン・ケラー・スッター(通訳・翻訳家)には、希望のかけらが見られる。ウエリ・マウラーで、最後のステーツマンが引退してしまう。こういう現状なので、SVPを代表して誰が後継者として政権を担うのか、全く無関心でいるわけにはいかない。最強の政党SVPに、有権者は、スイスを市民の美徳の道に戻すことを期待している。後継者の使命は、中立の復活、軍隊の強




ロシュティは、党のあらゆる民主主義の原則に反して、現在政敵SP会派会長のロジェ・ノルトマンと協力して、異議申し立てと民衆の権利の解体に取り組み、将来、水力、風力、太陽光発電所が抵抗なく建設出来るようにしようとしている。彼の有料クライアントは、「Swiss Association of Water Management」なのだ。ロシュティには、ジャーナリスト達が際立って寛大で、欧州政策つまり、EUとの関係に於いて従順で柔軟さを示すと既に信じている。

ベルンの全州議会議員Werner Salzmannは、スイスの中立性を堅持する揺るぎない軍事専門家だ。チューリッヒ州からは、法学教授のハンス・ウエリ・フォクトが戻ってきた。都市型SVPで、党の方針に隷属せず、高い知性を持ち、ポストハンターではなく、信頼性が高く、あらゆる本質的な問題に精通している人物だ。



SVP議会会派は、党内委員会の投票結果、Albert RoestiとHans-Ueli Vogtの2名を候補者に決定した。

3. SP(社会民主党)のシモネッタ・ソンマルーガ連邦評議員の辞任表明!

11月2日、スイス公共放送SRFは、「驚きの辞任、シモネッタ・ソンマルーガ連邦評議員辞任(Ueberraschender Ruecktritt - Bundesraetin Simonetta Sommaruga tritt zurueck)」と報じた。



8月1日独語主要紙「ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙」が、SVP会派リーダーThomas Aeschi のインタビュー記事を掲載した。







4. ソンマルーガ連邦評議員の後任候補として、3人の女性と1人の男性(後者は非公式申請者)が名乗りを上げた。


ユラ州の全州議会議員Elisabeth Baume-Schneider


バーゼル・シュタット州の全州議会議員 Eva Herzog


SPの重鎮でツューリッヒの全州議会議員Daniel Jositschは、党の方針に異を唱えて立候補を取り下げなかった。


5. 12月7日、朝7時半から開催された両院議員総会の投票で、10時半には2名の後任連邦評議員が選出された。






SPの連邦評議員は、3回目の投票で漸く過半数を得て、Elisabeth Baume-Schneiderが当選し、「驚きの結果」と繰り返し報じられた。


本命と目されていた能吏型のEva Herzogが敗れて、製薬産業の中心都市バーゼル・シュタットの失望は大きかった。一因に、保守系男性議員が、ヨースティッチ議員に投票して、結果が変わったとも言われている。

6. 連邦内閣の新体制



今回、アルベルト・ロシュティが、望み通り「UVEK」担当相の座を獲得出来たのは、FDPのKarin Keller-Sutterとの良好な関係から、退任するウェリ・マウレルの財務相(EFD)の委譲を約束して彼女の支援を得ることが出来たからだと報じられた。




2023年12月14日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙は、「ロシュティ気候相は軌道修正できるか?(Kann Klimaninister Roesti den Kurs aendern?)」という記事を書いた。緑の党環境保護団体は、SVPの政治家が重要な部門に任命されたことに反発しているという。

【 編集後記 】

最近、SP党はEUへのアプローチに言及し始めた。ロシアのウクライナ侵攻以来、Mainstream Mediaは権力にしがみつくイソギンチャクのように見えてきた。今後、メディアの報道にも注意したい。


━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━

   Swiss Federal Councillor's Succession Election Situation

                       Akiko Huerlimann

In Switzerland, both the Federal and Local Parliaments are "Miliz-Parlaments", i.e., most Parliament Members work Part-time and most of them have a real Job. They are not forbidden to take "Mandat" (political Mandate).

"Bundesrat" is the German Word for the Swiss Government and its Members. The Bundesrat is said to be on Duty 24 Hours a Day and is forbidden to accept a "Mandat" (political Mandate), which means that once elected, the Bundesrat must terminate all political Mandates.

1. Ueli Maurer, Federal Councillor of SVP-Party, announced his Resignation.

As mentioned in the previous Issue, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, who turned 72 Years old this Year and serves as the Minister of Finance, announced his Resignation per the End of the Year at a Press Conference on September 30, 2022.
Maurer has served as Federal Councillor since 2009; he explained that he planned his Resignation for more than a Year.

He is the oldest and most tenured of the Federal Ministers. He is known as a Conservative Leader of the SVP (Swiss People’s Party); Maurer was President of the largest national political Party SVP from 1996 to 2008. Ueli Maurer received positive Reactions from all Sides for his stern and honest Personality and Fairness.

2. Five Candidates declared their Intentions to Replace the Federal Councillor of SVP.

The SVP-Party has been approved two Seats in the Federal Council (Bundesrat) based on the Federal Assembly Members in Parliament (Party with the largest Number of Voters).

The Article "Neutrality Check for Federal Councillor Candidates" by Journalist Marcel Odermatt of Weltwoche Magazine was published on October 28,2022. 

The Background to this Article is that on February 28, Swiss Federal Government decided to adopt EU- and US-Sanctions against Russia. On October 15, 2022, SVP's affiliated Organ "Pro Schweiz" announced a "Neutrality Initiative" calling for non-military Retaliation against the Belligerents, i.e. the Renunciation of Sanctions.

Pro Schweiz:

This Article explains the Positions of the five SVP-Candidates for the Federal Council.
First, the Candidates of Zurich and Zug have clearly stated their Positions.

The First is, Hans-Ueli Vogt, former Member of the National Assembly (Nationalrat) and Professor of private and commercial Law at the University of Zurich. He is one of the Promoters of the "Neutrality Initiative" and, a Member of the Initiative Committee. He argues that "Switzerland should use its Neutrality to prevent and resolve Conflicts and work for Peace as a Mediator, and should not participate in Wars."

The Second is, Heinz Taennler, Cantonal Minister of Finance of Zug (ZG), he said, "It is wrong to be black and white on the Subject of Neutrality, since the Meaning of Neutrality has changed so much over the last few Decades". In the Past, this Country was surrounded by hostile Forces, fighting each other. So it makes Sense to be "on the Sidelines". He questioned the Federal Government's Response, saying that it should have carefully considered the Sanctions instead of blindly accepting them.

The two Berne's SVP-Party Candidates were modest.

The Third, Werner Salzmann, a Member of the Council of State (Staenderat), said that "Neutrality is enshrined in the Purpose Clause of the Federal Constitution and that Switzerland is right to continue to abide by the Sanctions Regime, as it did during the Crimean Crisis in 2014."

The Fourth, Albert Roesti, a Member of the National Assembly (Nationalrat), stresses that he has always supported "Permanent Armed Neutrality." After studying Agriculture at ETH (Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), he holds an MBA from the University of Rochester, USA. He served as SVP-Party President from April 23, 2016 to August 22, 2020.
With his warm Personality and extensive Contacts in the Federal Parliament, he is regarded as the most promising Candidate.

The Fifth, Michele Bloechliger, Cantonal Minister of Finance of Nidwalden (NW), has not yet expressed any Opinion on the "Neutrality Initiative" as she is not yet convinced by "Pro Schweiz's" Concerns.

On October 17, she announced her Candidacy for Federal Councillor at Stans City Hall, attracting Attention as the only female Candidate but raising Suspicions about her British Citizenship (GB). Although she once denied it, she was a Dual Citizen, having acquired
British Nationality in addition to Swiss Nationality, since her Mother was British.
Although she retracted her false Statement on the following Wednesday, it is a great Blunder for her to have once made a false Statement about her Nationality as a Lawyer.
Her Mother-Party, the SVP, has been pursuing a Policy of severely restricting the Dual Nationality of Politicians.

Then, on November 3, 2022, Roger Koeppel, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of "Die Weltwoche" as well as a Member of the National Assembly (Nationalrat), wrote an Editorial, "Albert Roesti is the wrong Candidate (Albert Roesti ist der Falsche).

His Editorial Summary is here:
"Switzerland's Politics are in Turmoil. The Number of Asylum Seekers is exploding and Prices are rising. Electricity and Energy are in short Supply. The Green Turn has turned out to be a Pipe Dream. The Swiss Federal Government has adopted the Slogan of Patience. For the first Time in 500 Years, Switzerland is actively involved in a Foreign War.
Neutrality is in Comatose and full of Crises".  He revealed his Sense of Crisis.

Swiss Federal President Ignazio Cassis (Physician) is a neutral Anesthesiologist leaning to the Left, very fearful of the Federal Council Elections to be held next Year. Health Minister Alain Berset is in a pre-KO Countdown. Simonetta Sommaruga is fed up with Losing. Viola Amherd (Lawyer), Guy Parmelin (Winemaker), and Karin Keller-Sutter (Interpreter/Translator) see a Glimmer of Hope. In Ueli Maurer, the last Statesman retires.

Because of this current Situation, we cannot remain totally indifferent to who will represent the SVP as its Successor in Power. To the SVP, the strongest Party, Voters expect Switzerland to return to the Path of civic Virtue. Its Successor's Mission is to restore Neutrality, strengthen the Army, reject suicidal Energy Experiments, and secure
Borders and Jobs.

The Hawks of War and the Doves of Peace are jostling. The Left is burning Freedom of Expression in the great Crematorium of its "Cancel Culture".
Since the Corona Vortex, Despots of all Parties have grown accustomed to the undemocratic Policy of brute Force, the Emergency Law.

Ueli Maurer was often the only one who dared say Things others didn't want to hear. His Resignation left a huge Vacuum, removing a Shred of Common Sense from this Government. The SVP should not send now its national Carriers and Adaptors to a dysfunctional Institution where anxious Loners and Self-Protectors hang out. We need Personalities who flourish in the Face of Adversity, Personalities who come into their Own when there are serious Problems to be solved and debated.

SVP's record-setting Post Collector (Albert Roesti) has disgraced himself beyond Recognition with his 17 political Mandates, most of which are highly paid, and the interest Mercenary is now so fully embedded in Berne that the Media and even his Opponents only praise him. One who wears so many Hats as he does can no longer afford Confrontation, Debate, or Profundity.

Roesti, against all Democratic Principles of the SVP-Party, is now working with political Opponent SP-Parliamentary Faction Leader Roger Nordmann to demolish Opposition and People's Rights so that in the Future Hydro, Wind, and Solar Power Plants can be built without Resistance. Roesti's paying Client is the "Swiss Association of Water Management". Journalists have been notably generous to Roesti, already believing that
he will show Flexibility and pliability in his European Policy, namely in his Relations with the EU.

Werner Salzmann, Member of the Council of State (Staenderat) of Berne, is an unwavering Military Expert who upholds Swiss Neutrality. Hans-Ueli Vogt, a Law Professor, returns from the Canton of Zurich. He is an urban SVP, not beholden to Party Policy, highly intelligent, not a Post-Hunter, and reliable, and well versed in all essential Issues.

Therefore, the main Candidate, Heinz Taennler, is in the Position of Outsider. Zug’s Cantonal State Minister of Finance knows how to organize the Canton so that it makes Money, not burns it. Heinz Taennler is a good Choice, because he is independent-minded, uncomfortable, not dogmatic, and experienced in Leadership." he concluded.

This is a Commentary that I personally nodded greatly to.

The SVP Parliamentary Faction has decided on two Candidates, Albert Roesti and Hans-Ueli Vogt, based on a Result of a Vote by the Party's internal Committee.

3. SP (Social Democratic Party) Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga announced her Resignation!

On November 02, 2022 Swiss Public Broadcaster SRF reported "Surprise Resignation, Resignation of SP-Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga (Ueberraschender Ruecktritt, SP-Bundesraetin Simonetta Sommaruga tritt zurueck)". 

Major Swiss News Organizations are generally left-minded, but even the SRF (Swiss Public Broadcaster), which is one of them, was the First to report, "The Resignation of Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga was not expected by anyone. The Reason is simple: no one could understand how the Minister of Environment and Energy could take the Lead in eliminating Energy Shortages and then throw it away in the Middle of Preparations, just before the Winter Season." it opined.

Regarding to Popular Voting, she lost all three Popular Votings in Somaruga's 12 Years of National Politics: the "Hunting Law", the "Media Package",and her most painful Defeat, the "CO2 Law" the Report also said.

She explained at a Press Conference that the Reason for her Resignation was that her Husband, who is 16 Years older, had suffered a Stroke 10 Days ago. 62 Years old, she was a Federal Councillor since 2010, and most expected her Resignation to be next Year. The Mainstream Media gave a passing Nod to the Reason for her Resignation: the Illness of her elderly Spouse.

On August 1, 2022 the major German-Language Newspaper Tages-Anzeiger published an Interview with SVP-Faction Leader Thomas Aeschi. "Faction Leader Thomas Aeschi said, if Energy Minister Simonetta Sommaruga does not respond immediately to the Energy Crisis, she will have to hand over the Documents (Files) to the SVP Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer". He pressured her to do so. 

The SVP wrote to Energy Minister Sommaruga and the Swiss Federal Government, demanding a special Summit on the Energy Crisis with the Business Community, Energy Suppliers, and political Parties in early August. Eventually, a Commander (General) for Electricity should be established. If she does not address the Energy Crisis immediately, SVP wanted to replace her with SVP Federal Councillor of Finance Ueli Maurer.

The following Day, the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper published an Article, defending Sommaruga and refuting the SVP-Allegations. 

The Resignation of Energy Minister Sommaruga suggests that SVP-Thomas Aeschi may have been justified in making such a Statement. It is easy to imagine that the Duties of the Executive of the Country's highest Authority, which requires a high Level of Expertise, albeit assisted by Bureaucrats, can be handled in Times of Peace, but in Times of Crisis,
the Lack of Executive Capacity can be exposed. Sommaruga served as Federal Councillor for Justice and Police from 2010 to 2018, and since 2019, she has been in charge of Environment, Transport, Communication and Energy (UVEK).

Simonetta Sommaruga is a Music educated Person, a Pianist and a Music Educator, who has been active in the SP, Social Democratic Party since around 1988, and has been the Head of a Consumer Protection Organization before entering Politics. Her Attitude to her elderly Spouse and the Fact that she remained one of the Chief Executives of the Swiss National Government even at a Time of Crisis is open to question.

She was the Federal Councillor retained by the SP's Strategy, i.e., one who would govern the Country's highest Institution!

4. Three Women and a Man, the latter as an unofficial Applicant, were put forward as Candidates to replace the SP Federal Councillor Sommaruga.

The SP-Party's Executive indicated that it would only field Female certified Candidates. A female Candidate in her forties dropped out of the List of certified Candidates due to the Issue of having school-age Children.

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, a Member of the Council of States (Staenderat) for the Canton of Jura (JU)


Eva Herzog, a Member of the Council of States (Staenderat) for the Canton of Basel-Stadt (BS)

were selected as Official Candidates.

Daniel Jositsch, a Member of the Council of States (Staenderat) for the Canton of Zurich (ZH), as not official Applicant from the SP-Party and Party Grandee from Zurich did not withdraw his own Candidacy, objecting to the SP-Party's Policy.

After this, approved Candidates were called to the various Factions of the Parliament for personal Hearings.

5. On December 07, 2022 the two Successor Federal Councillors were elected at 10:30 a.m. by a Vote of the United Federal Assembly, by both Parliament Chambers, which was held at 7:30 a.m.

The Swiss Federal Site for the Election of the Federal Councillors: 

Highlights of the Election of the 2022 Federal Councillors:

The new SVP's Federal Councillor was elected in one Round, by the United Federal Assembly, it was Albert Roesti from Berne, Member of the National Assembly (Nationalrat), Roesti received a Majority of 131 Votes. Hans-Ueli Vogt received 98 Votes and Others 14 Votes. 

Albert Roesti's Press Conference:

The new SP's Federal Councillor was finally elected with a Majority on the third Ballot, elected was Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, repeatedly reported as a "Surprise Result". 

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider Press Conference:

The Loss of Eva Herzog as a skilled Politician, who was considered the Front-Runner, was a big Disappointment in Basel-Stadt (BS), the Center City of the pharmaceutical Industry. One Factor, it is said, was that a Number of Conservative Male Members of Parliament voted for SP-Jositsch (unofficial Applicant), which changed the Outcome. Baume, a Candidate from a rural Area, won the Support of rural Parliament Members, giving the youngest Canton of Jura (JU) its first Federal Councillor (Bundesrat) Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, born in 1963, declared that she would only serve one Term in Office and reportedly considered it a transitional Assignment. 

6. New Structure of the Swiss Federal Cabinet (Government).

Albert Roesti has taken the Seat in charge of the "The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (UVEK)" as he had hoped.

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider was put in charge of "The Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP)".

The Cabinet Assignments are decided through Discussions by the Ministers (Bundesrat). New Ministers tend to be assigned the unpopular "Legal Affairs and Police (EJPD)" and "Defense, Civil Protection and Sports (VBS)".
This Time, Albert Roesti was reportedly able to get the desired Position of Minister in charge of "UVEK" because of his good Relationship with Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter (KKS) of the FDP, who was able to gain her Support by promising to delegate the Finance (EFD) of the outgoing Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer.

SP Interior Minister Alain Berset (EDI) was reportedly openly seeking the Position of "Minister of Foreign Affairs," but was apparently defeated by the Conservative Alliance relying on the SVP and FDP. Interior Minister Berset, who was Swiss Federal Vice President in 2022, is routinely the presidential Candidate for the Year 2023 and was elected by an extremely low 140 Votes out of 246 Voters as Swiss Federal President for 2023. The Media Coverage of his Affair and Power Harassment Revelations is still fresh in our Minds. Nevertheless, an Article in the December 15, 2022, Print-Edition of the "Tages Anzeiger" reported that "Alain Berset intends to remain as Federal Councillor beyond 2023."

[Basic Duties of the Swiss Federal President] 

Next Year 2023, the Swiss Federal Parliamentary Election and the Re-Election, due to the End of the Term of Office of the Swiss Federal Councillors (Bundesrat) are scheduled to take place. All of the political Gamesmanship in the Parliament is directed at next Year's Elections. The four Latin-speaking Federal Councillors (Bundesrat) now outnumber the German-speaking ones. Therefore, the next Round of Federal Council Election (Bundesrat) is a Crossroad of Speculation among the Parties to give the German-speaking Bloc a Majority.

The Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper of December 14, 2022, published a Report titled "Can Climate Minister Roesti Change the Course? (Kann Klima-Minister Roesti den Kurs aendern?)". The Green Party and Environmental Groups say they are opposed to the Appointment of SVP Politicians to Key Departments.
However, former SP-Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger, who headed the "UVEK" for 15 years, said that "it doesn't really matter in which Lobby you used to be," and ex-FDP-Federal Councillor Hans-Rudolf Merz, who was Finance Minister, said, "Of course, seven Neutrals do not rule in the Federal Council (Bundesrat)", the leftist Camp's Caution was
appeased by the Statement.
Politics next Year is already expected to be dominated by the Collision between Energy and environmental Problems.

[Editor's Postscript]

Recently, the SP-Party has started to mention its Approach to the EU. Since Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, the Mainstream Media have looked like Sea Anemones clinging to Power. We must also pay attention to Media Reports in the Future.
Weltwoche's Magazine Mr. Roger Koeppel, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief. Whether you are on the Left or the Right, you are still a Human Being when you take off the Ideological Cloak.

Have a Good New Year.


★ メルマガ版推奨登録先:


★ Issuer/発行元: Akiko Huerlimann & Editors' Group

Copyright (C) 1998-2022 Akiko Huerlimann /


Blog版 jSj Vol. 210 「2022年09月25日国民投票結果と連邦評議員の後任選挙」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 210 - November 01, 2022 (Swiss Time)



                     明子 ヒューリマン

【E】The Results of the Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
     and Election of a new Federal Councilor

                                 Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━


                       明子 ヒューリマン



各議案の概要は弊誌 Vol. 209 を乞参照。

jp-Swiss-journal Vol. 209



1) 国民発議「畜産場発議」の結果は、賛成37.13%、反対62.87%、賛成多数のカントンは半州バーゼル・シュタットのみで、それ以外のカントンは全て反対という圧倒的な結果だった。投票率は52.27%。


国民年金の安定化 (AHV21)」は法令2件で投票が行われた。

2) 「付加価値税の引き上げによるAHVの追加融資に関する連邦令」の結果は、



3) 「老齢・遺族保険に関する連邦法の改正(AHV 21))の結果は、





SRFが、 「AHVの男女格差が明確な理由」について、ベルンのGfS研究所の政治学者 Cloe Jans の解説を報じた。








4) 「源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正」


注目に値する議論として、2022年9月21日に公開されたターゲス・アンツァイガー紙オンライン版に、ツューリッヒのスイス国民党(SVP)のトーマス・マッター国民議会議員のゲスト投稿記事「主要な議論が全く無かった訳ではない(Das Hauptargument war nie ein Nullargument)」が掲載された。














【 編集後記 】


━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━

    The Results of the Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
     and Election of a new Federal Councilor

                                                       Akiko Huerlimann

One Month has passed since the National Voting Day, and I have been observing the subsequent Process of each Voting Topic.
It seems that the Debate has run its Course, thus I have decided to summarize the Results in this Issue of the Journal.

The Results of the Vote by the Federal Government can be found at the following Links.

For a Summary of each Voting Topic, please refer to Vol. 209 of our Magazine.

jp-Swiss-journal Vol. 209

Let's look at the Results and Reactions to the individual Voting Topics.

1) The Results of the National Initiative "Livestock Farm Initiative" were overwhelming: 37.13% in favor (Yes), 62.87% against (No); the only Canton with a Yes-Majority was semi-state Basel-Stadt, and all other Cantons were opposed (against it).
The Voter Turnout was 52.27%.

The Initative, which was feared leading to higher Food Prices, threaten the Survival of Agriculture, which is responsible for the Preservation of the National Land, and for Food Security, was rejected by the Voters without a Fight.
It seems that the current Law was considered to be sufficient, and the Issue was settled with little Discussion after the Voting Day.

"Stabilization of the National Pension (AHV 21)" was voted on two Issues (Decree).

2) "Federal Decree on Additional Financing of the AHV through an Increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT)" resulted in 55.07% in favor (Yes) and 44.93% against (No).
21 Cantons voted in favor and 5 Cantons voted against, indicating a clear Will in favor among the Cantons. The Voter Turnout was 52.16%.

With Life Expectancy increasing and the Population aging, Everyone is aware of the Reality that the National Pension Funds will be scarce in Switzerland in the Future. However, the first major Reform of the AHV in 25 Years passed by a narrow Margin.
As a Result, VAT will be raised by 0.4 Percentage Points to 8.1% as of 2024 as a Source of Funds injected into the AHV.

3) "Amendment to the Federal Law on Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (AHV 21)" resulted in, 50.55% in favor (Yes) and 49.45% against (No). 16 Cantons voted in favor and 10 Cantons voted against, indicating a Majority Will in the Cantons.

The Voter turnout was 52.18%.

Although the Increase of the Retirement Age for Women from 64 to 65 Years old, making it equal to that of Men was approved, it was only by a Margin of 30,000 Votes that Women supported the Increase of the Pension Age.
Even if the National Pension (AHV) is secured for at least the next few Years, Federal Government will have to present another Reform in the next four Years.

At noon on the 26th of September, Hundreds of Women protested in Bern against the Increase in the Pension Age for Women. They claimed that it was a major Step backward in Terms of Equality. Tamara Funiciello, Co-Chair of the Social Democratic Party (SP) Women's Section, and Martine Docourt called for a Demonstration in the Station
Square. The Women said, "It is not undemocratic to demonstrate against the popular Voting Results. What is undemocratic is that Equality, enshrined in the Constitution for 40 Years, is still not implemented. What was decided Yesterday was shameful and determined that Women should work longer. But Women carry this Society on their Backs without Pay. This is the first Declaration of War against Rich, Old, White Men. Politicians seem to have forgotten about the massive Women's Strike of 2019 and their Demands, Time to remind them. We are here and loud because you are stealing our Pensions," they said. A Banner read, "Strike on June 14, 2023."

[ General Comment ]

SRF-Web reported a Commentary by political Scientist Mrs. Cloe Jans of the GfS Institute in Berne on "Why the AHV Gender Gap is so clear."

A post-popular Voting Survey by Tamedia showed that Women rejected the AHV Reform by a two-thirds Majority (63%), while two-thirds of Men (65%) voted in favor.

This Vote showed one of the largest Gender Disparities in History. Traditionally, more Men than Women go to the Polls, especially after the Introduction of Women's Suffrage. More older Women than younger Ones go to the Polls, and now we know that the Average Age of Voters is 57 Years, they may still tend to belong to the more traditionally minded Category.

Another Reason is that Women tend to be less committed politically than Men. They are therefore easier to mobilize under certain Circumstances, and one can hypothesize that in a relatively strong final Mobilization, perhaps Women went even further to the Polls, thus making the Outcome closer than expected.

If the next Reform of the Old-Age Pension System goes in a Direction that calls for more female Sacrifice too, that is a major Problem in Terms of Legitimacy.

The regional Trends this Time show a typical Separation between Roesti and Polenta. Latinos tend to vote more to the left than German Swiss when it comes to a strong Welfare State.


[General Discussion]


At the Root of the National Pension Debate is the inequitable Situation, that Women's Lifetime Earnings are significantly lower than Men's. The Burden of Childbirth, Childcare, and Caregiving, as well as Household Chores, inhibit Career Development. In order for Women to receive a fair Pension, the Need to convert such domestic Labor into Wages is beginning to be discussed. Also, the Fact that many Farmers Wives are still not earning enough to contribute to the Pension System has recently been brought to light.
However, the Debate has only just begun.

4) "Amendment to Federal Law on Withholding Taxes."

The Vote was 47.99% in favor (Yes) and 52.01% against (No), with 12 Cantons voting in favor and 14 Cantons voting against. The Voter Turnout was 51.70%.

In a Discussion worth noting, the Online Edition of Tages Anzeiger, published on September 21, 2022, featured a Guest Post Article by Zurich SVP National Assembly Member Thomas Matter, "The main Debate was not entirely absent (Das Hauptargument war nie ein Nullargument)" was published.

Rep. Thomas Matter claims that "as soon as the 'Article against the Abolition of the Withholding Tax on Bonds' by Markus Haefliger in the Online Edition of the Tages Anzeiger dated 2022/09/19 appeared Online, it was spread by left-wing Politicians via Thousands of E-Mails and was used as a Tool against it, in the Opposition Campaign".

All of the Tax Reforms approved by the Public have brought additional Money into State Coffers." and the Elimination of Withholding Taxes on Bonds is not only beneficial to industrial and financial Centers, but also to the Public Sector, allowing Federal, Cantonal, and Municipal Governments to borrow Money more cheaply on the Capital Markets.
To these Conservative Arguments, the SP, the Greens, and Labor Unions in the left Camp say that they claim that there is no basis for them.

Mr. Matter, a Banker and Member of the Federal Assembly's "Economic and Taxation Committee (WAK)," who prides himself on understanding the Financial Markets better than his political Opponents, even says that "it is rather too pessimistic to say that the Federal Tax Administration's Estimate of up to 200 Million Francs in annual Savings if the Withholding Tax is abolished.

The opposing leftist Camp brushed it off as a only Assumption, since "no empirical Studies exist."
The said Article by Markus Haefliger concludes, "The mere 'Assumption' of the Tax Administration has become a hard financial Projection in the Campaign of its Supporters."

[General Discussion]

It is clear that from the partial Elimination of Withholding Taxes will not only benefit the Wealthy, but also the Public Sector, which raises Money in the Capital Markets. Politicians in the leftist camp, which has a large Number of highly educated People, are usually enthusiastic about "Distribution," but they are not willing to make an Effort to raise
"the Funds for Distribution".

[ General Overview ]

The Voter Turnout was relatively high at over 50%, indicating the high Degree of Attention paid to the Voting Issues. The Highlight was, after all, the AHV National Pension Law, that directly affects People's Lives.

With the Swiss National Parliament Elections coming up next Fall, the political Parties are reported to be on the Warpath now that less than a Year is to go. It will be interesting to see how the Pension Reform Law, which has angered Women, will affect Support for each political Party and Candidate. It will also Test the extent of Women's political Awakening.

[ Federal Councilor (Bundesrat) Ueli Maurer announced his Resignation ]

Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer, who turned 70 this Year, announced his Resignation at a Press Conference on September 30.

Press Conference on the Resignation of Finance Minister Maurer:

He has served as Federal Councilor from 2009 to 2022, making him the oldest and longest-serving Member of the Federal Government's Cabinet. His sudden Resignation was therefore seen as an appropriate Decision.
The Conservative Leader's Character and Fairness have been well received by all Quarters.
His Successor will be selected by the SVP-Party.
The SVP will decide on the Party's Nominee by the next Winter Session, which is scheduled to take place on December 7. So far, five Candidates have announced their Candidacy.

[Editor's Postscript ]

Although I thought the Role of Swiss Women in Society was fairly advanced, the Fact that there are still some Gaps in Reality became clear with the Revision of the AHV, as Women expressed their Willingness to play a Role. Inadequacies will not be remedied in the Future without continuous and meticulous Efforts. The Awakening of Women is a Key.

I will Report on the Evaluation of Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer and the Selection of his Successor in the next Issue of our Magazine. See you soon.


★ メルマガ版推奨登録先:


★ Issuer/発行元: Akiko Huerlimann & Editors' Group
Copyright (C) 1998-2022 Akiko Huerlimann /


Blog版 jSj Vol. 209 「2022年09月25日スイスの国民投票『年金安定化法』他」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 209 - September 21, 2022 (Swiss Time)


    1) 国民発議「畜産場発議」
    2) & 3) 「国民年金の安定化 (AHV21)」
    4) 「源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正」

                    明子 ヒューリマン

【E】The Popular Vote on September 25, 2022
         1) "Factory Farming Initiative"
         2) & 3) "Stabilization of AHV (AHV21)"
         4) Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding Tax

                                    Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━



                     明子 ヒューリマン


1) 国民発議「畜産場発議」*2)

現状: スイスの動物福祉法は世界で最も厳しい法律の1つと称され、一度に何匹飼育しても、動物の尊厳と福祉は守られている。連邦政府は、自然に近く、環境にも動物にも優しい農業生産形態を推進しているので、動物が快適に厩舎で暮らし、定期的に屋外に出ることが出来る家畜が増えているという認識だ。

議案: 発議委員会が、牛や鶏、豚などの家畜の尊厳を守ることを憲法に盛り込んで、工場での畜産は動物福祉に反するので、工場での畜産禁止を求めて発議した。この議案が承認されれば、連邦政府は、動物に優しい住居やケア、屋外へのアクセス、屠殺、畜舎毎の最大飼育頭数等、更に厳しい最低条件を設定しなければならなくなる。動物、動物製品、動物由来成分を含む食品の輸入にもこの条件が適用される。





議会の評決: 国民議会が反対106票、賛成77票、棄権8票。

反対は、連邦評議会(内閣)、SVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDP(FDPリヴェラル)、Schweizerischer Bauernverband(スイス農民組合)、GastroSuisse(スイス飲食業組合)、Gewerbeverband(中小企業連合)、Economiesuisse(大手企業連合)。



発議の賛同者は、政党ではSP(社会民主党)とグリーンリヴェラル、団体ではTierschutz(動物保護)、Bio Suisse(有機スイス)、Pro Natura自然保護団体)、Kleinbauern-Vereinigung(小規模農家組合)。

情勢: 当初賛成がやや優勢だったが、支持は低下傾向。「国民年金改革法」と「源泉徴収税減税案」の陰に隠れるように、注目度は低め。



2)、3) 「国民年金の安定化 (AHV21)」*3) *4)

AHV安定化改革は、今後 10 年程度の年金財源確保を目指す改革で、2つの法案に賛否の投票が求められている。1つは、財源確保の為に付加価値税を引き上げる。この増税案は憲法修正案なので、国民投票が必須。第二の提案は、給付の変更。この変更に反対するレフェレンダムが要求された。2つの法案は連動しているので、どちらかが否決されれば、改革全体が廃案になる。

現状: 団塊の世代年金受給年齢に達し、平均余命が伸びている為、AHV の財政的安定が危険に晒されている。 数年後には、AHV の収入だけで全ての年金を賄えるか危ぶまれている。


議決権行使の質問: 付加価値税の引き上げによるAHVの追加資金調達に関する2021年12月17日の連邦令を受け入れるか?


議会の評決: 国民議会が賛成126票、反対40票、棄権27票。



議決権行使の質問: 2021年12月17日の老齢遺族保険(AHVG)に関する連邦法の改正(AHV21)を受け入れるか?


AHV改革賛成派は、SVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDPリヴェラル、GLP(グリーンリヴェラエル)、EVP(福音国民党)、Economiesuisse (大手企業連合)、Arbeitgeberwerband (雇用者連合)、Gewerbeverband (中小企業連合)。





情勢: スイス社会の高齢化は進み、ベビーブーム世代が年金受給年齢に達しているので、単純計算で考えても年金基金は今後益々逼迫する可能性は容易に想像出来る。不足分を消費税引き上げと、女性の年金受給年齢1年引き上げの二本立てで対処しようという改革案だ。賃金格差を始め、キャリア形成で女性が依然不利な状況に置かれている現状は、絶え間なく議論されているのに、何故女性の年金受給年齢だけが引き上げられるのかには、疑問の余地があると言わざるを得ない。


4) 「源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正」*5)

現状: 連邦政府は、利子所得に対して35%の源泉徴収税を課している。

議案: スイスの企業に、スイスで債券の発行をするよう促す為に、国内債券の源泉徴収税を免除する提案。これに依って投資家にとってスイスの債券がより魅力的なものになる。有価証券の購入と売却の際に支払われている譲渡税も撤廃される。「源泉徴収税」と「譲渡税撤廃」両方の措置がスイス経済に利益をもたらすことになる。最良のシナリオでは、改革が発効する年に資金調達出来る可能性がある。しかし、この法案で脱税が増えると予想する発議委員会が、改革に反対してレフェレンダムに漕ぎ着けた。

議決権行使の質問: 「2021年12月17日の源泉徴収税に関する連邦法(ITA)の改正(債務資本市場の強化)を受け入れるか?」



改正案に賛成は、政党ではSVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDPリヴェラル、GLP(グリーンリヴェラル)、Economiesuisse(大手企業連合)、Bankiervereinigung(銀行協会)、Arbeitgeberverband(雇用者連合)、Gewerbeverband(中小企業連合)。


詳細: 企業だけでなく、連邦政府、カントン、自治体も債券を発行する等して資金を調達している。債券を取得した投資家は、見返りに利息を受け取る。連邦政府は、この国内債券の利子に対して35%の源泉徴収税を課している。これによって、所得税と富裕税が保証される。

還付が困難な場合: 源泉徴収税の処理は、投資家、企業、連邦、カントン、市町村にとって費用負担が増すので、海外に住む個人や企業の再請求手続きは複雑になり、払い戻しには申請書の提出が必要だ。海外から申請する場合、法的な状況で源泉徴収税の一部還付か、全く還付されないことも有り得る。源泉徴収税がある為、特に海外の投資家にとって、スイスの債券市場は魅力的ではない。

国際競争: スイスの債券市場は未発達で、衰退傾向にある。例えば2020年には、新規に発行された債券の価値は2010年に比べて約20%も低下している。シンガポール、韓国、アメリカ、イギリスの金融センターは、スイスよりも大幅に多くの債券を発行しており、その筆頭がルクセンブルク




超党派で3大政党SVP(スイス国民党)、Die Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)、FDP(自由民主党)の議員とBauernverband(農民組合)、Gewerbeverband(中小企業連合)、economiesuisse(大手企業連合)、Arbeitgeberverband(雇用者連合)等スイスの主要団体の代表者達が名を連ねている。





【 参照 】
スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament:

*1) 2022年09月25日国民投票
Volksabstimmung vom 25. September 2022:
*2) 畜産場発議 / Massentierhaltunginitiative Factory Farming Initiative
*3) & *4) AHVの安定化(国民年金改革AHV21)」:
*5) 源泉徴収税に関する連邦法改正:

【 編集後記 】



━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━

    The Popular Vote on September 25, 2022

                    Akiko Huerlimann

There are four Bills to be balloted in the upcoming Popular Vote, but two of them are tying in with the National Pension Reform Law.
The Government's explanatory Document is 80 Pages long, so I was somewhat put off. Let's make up our Minds and look at each Bill, and think about the Points of Contention and the Situation. *1)

1) The People's Initiative "Factory Farming Initiative" *2)

Current Situation & Proposal of the Initiative:
see "Factory Farming Initiative"

 Voting Question: "Do you accept the Public Initiative "No Factory Farming in Switzerland?"

The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "NO".

The Federal Government and the Parliament are against the Initiative.
Animal-friendly Husbandry is on the rise and Livestock are already very well protected. A Ban on the Import of Products that do not meet organic Standards in the Livestock Industry cannot be implemented without a great Deal of Effort, which would make many Foods even more expensive.

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 106 NO, 77 YES, and 8 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 32 NO, 8 YES, and 1 Abstention.

Against: Federal Government (Cabinet), SVP (Swiss People's Party), Die Mitte (former CVP), FDP (FDP.the Liberals), Schweizerischer Bauernverband (Swiss Farmers' Union), the GastroSuisse, Gewerbeverband (Small and medium-sized Enterprise Association/SMEs), Economiesuisse (Swiss Corporate Union)

The Initiative Committee recommends "YES".

 The Initiative Committee's Perception is that Animal Welfare Laws are often described as exemplary, but the Reality of Agriculture is different and calling for animal-friendly Housing and Care, regular outdoor Exercise, small Number of Animals, and gentle Slaughter.

The Apostles of the Initiative are SP (Social Democratic Party) and Green Liberal among political Parties, and Tierschutz (Animal Protection), Bio Suisse, Pro Natura, and Kleinbauern-Vereinigung (Small Farmers Association) among Associations.

SITUATION: Initially slightly in favor, but Support is declining.
It received less Attention, overshadowed by the "National Pension Reform Act" and the "Withholding Tax Reduction Act."

There is concern that this Agenda will lead to higher Food Prices. Families that cannot afford expensive organic Food will purchase inexpensive imported Products.

Since Switzerland will never be able to achieve 100% Food Self-Sufficiency, its Dependence on foreign Countries must be reduced as much as possible in the Interest of Food Security.

In addition, the Reality is that the Swiss are dependent on Dairy Farming for Agriculture in the Highlands, and too much Restrictions on Dairy Farming would make it impossible for them to preserve the Land.

This seems to be a "Pile the Roof on Top of the Roof" kind of Proposal. The leftists' Arguments have often a Tendency to Narrow-Mindedness that could shake the Foundation of the Nation, as if they were trying to "kill the Bull by the Horns. It seems that Compliance with the current Law is the Answer.

2) & 3) "Stabilization of AHV (AHV21)" *3) 4) [Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI)]

The AHV Stabilization Reform is a Reform that aims to secure Funding for National Pensions for the next 10 Years or so, and requires a Vote for or against two Bills. The National Pension Reform consists of two Bills, one of which would increase the value-added Tax (VAT) to secure Funding. This proposed Tax-Increase is a constitutional Amendment, so a popular Vote is required. The second Bill is to change Benefits. A Referendum wants to oppose this Change; the two Bills are linked, and if either is rejected, the entire Reform will be scrapped.

Current situation & Bill: see  "OASI " Reform:

The first, "supplemental Funding of the AHV through an Increase of the value-added Tax," requires a Vote because it is an Amendment of the Constitution.

Voting Question: Do you accept the Federal Decree of December 17, 2021 on the supplemental Financing of the AHV through an Increase of the value-added Tax (VAT)?

The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".

AHV Funding alone will be insufficient to fund the Program, which will require a significant Reduction in Benefits.

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 126 YES, 40 NO, and 27 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 43 in favor, 0 against, and 0 Abstentions.

A Minority of the National Assembly (Nationalrat) called not only for an Increase of the value-added Tax, but also for a Portion of the Profits of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to be injected into the AHV.

The second Bill wants to reform the Old-Age Survivors' Pension System. This Bill would adjust the AHV's Benefits by gradually raising the Pension Age for Women to 65 Years, the same Age as Men.

Voting Question: Do you accept the December 17, 2021 Amendment to the Federal Law on Old-Age Survivor's Insurance (OASI) (AHV21)?

The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 125 YES, 67 NO, and 1 Abstention.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 31 YES, 12 NO, and 0 abstentions.

In favor of the AHV Reform are the Parties SVP, Die Mitte, FDP, GLP, EVP, Economiesuisse, Arbeitgeberverband (Employers’ Association), and Gewerbeverband (Trade Association).

The Referendum Committee recommends NO.

The Attempt to unilaterally cut Pension Fund Costs at the expense of Women, who receive one-third less in Pension Benefits than Men, has alarmed AHV21, the first of many Pension-cutting Policies that will affect us all.

The Opponents of the OASI/AHV Reform are the SP, the Greens, Gewerkschaftsbund (Trade Union Federation), Travailsuisse, and Unia.

SITUATION: With the Aging of Swiss Society and the Baby Boom Generation reaching pensionable Age, it is easy to imagine that Pension Funds will become increasingly strained in the Future, even by simple Arithmetic. The proposed Reforms will address the Shortfall by raising the Consumption Tax and rising the Age for Women to receive Pensions by one Year. The Fact that Women are still at a Disadvantage in terms of Career Development, including Wage Disparity, is a Subject of constant Debate, but why only the Pension Age for Women is to be raised is open to question.

On Monday, September 5, about 300 Women reportedly demonstrated against the OASI/AHV Reform in the Hometown of Alain Berset, the Minister in charge of AHV-Reform. Feminists in the Canton of Vaud argued that "before rising the Pension Age, the Wage Gap must be eliminated." However, 39% of French-speaking Voters said they will vote "YES" or are "somewhat in favor" of the AHV-Reform, while 57% of German-speaking Voters will vote "YES" to the Reform, according to the Survey. Minister Berset, although opposed locally, seems to have a comfortable Margin, since the Number of male Voters in the German-speaking Part is high, and thus the Majority is in favor of the Bill. However, there is a Possibility that this may affect his political Life in the Future.

4) Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding Tax *5)

Current Situation & Act: see Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding Tax: 

Voting Question: Do you accept the December 17, 2021 Amendment to the Federal Withholding Tax Act (ITA) regarding Withholding Tax (enhanced Debt Capital Market)?

The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".

Federal Government and Parliament want to bring back lost Jobs and Tax Revenues to Switzerland. This Reform would strengthen the Swiss Bond Market and Labor Market.




Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 125 YES, 70 NO, and 0 Abstentions. 
The Council of States voted 31 YES, 12 NO, and 0 Abstentions.

In favor of the Amendment are the Parties SVP, Die Mitte, FDP, GLP, Economiesuisse, Bankiervereinigung (Swiss Bankers Association), Arbeitgeberverband (Employers’ Association), and Gewerbeverband (Trade Association). 

The Referendum Committee recommends "NO".

The Referendum Committee believes that the Reform will increase Tax Evasion and reduce Tax Revenues by up to CHF 800 Million. Foreign Investors will benefit most from this Reform. However, the Withholding Tax on Swiss Bank Accounts will remain in place.

In addition to Corporations, the Federal Administration, Cantons, and Municipalities also raise Funds by issuing Bonds and other Means. Investors who acquire the Bonds receive Interest in return. The Federal Government imposes a 35% Withholding Tax on the Interest from these domestic Bonds. This guarantees Income and Wealth Taxes.

Difficulty in getting a Refund: Because the Withholding Tax Process is costly for Investors, Companies, the Federal Administration, Cantons, and Municipalities. The Reclaim Process for Individuals and Companies living abroad is complex and requires the Submission of an Application for a Refund. When applying from abroad, the legal Situation may result in a partial Withholding Tax Refund or no Refund at all. The Withholding Tax makes Swiss Bonds unattractive, especially for Foreign Investors.

International Competition:
The Swiss Bond Market is underdeveloped and tends to decline. For example, in 2020, the Value of newly issued Bonds was about 20% lower than in 2010. The Financial Centers of Singapore, South Korea, the USA and the UK issue significantly more Bonds than Switzerland, with Luxembourg on the Top.

Conservative Parties and the Business Community are "not Afraid, let's get our Tax Revenues back!", launched a Pro-Referendum's Campaign on Withholding Taxes. The leftist SP Social Democrats, Travailsuisse (Trade Union), Greens, and EVP oppose the Reform, saying it will facilitate Tax Evasion by the Super-Rich.

[General Discussion]

On September 18th, as Voting Day approached, I found a Flyer in our Mailbox issued by the "Swiss Stability Committee" entitled "Stable Switzerland Together."

Members of the three major non-partisan Parties, SVP, Die Mitte, and FDP, as well as the Representatives of major Swiss Organizations such as the Bauernverband (Farmers' Union), Gewerbeverband (Trade Association), Economiesuisse (Economic Association), Arbeitgeberverband (Employers' Federation), etc. launched a Proposal based on the Idea of a national Initiative to "create a Livestock Industry".

The Statement urges "NO" to the "Livestock Farms Initiative" and "YES" for the "two AHV Acts" and "Abolition of Withholding Tax. Prior to this, a Flyer recommending "YES" to the "Abolition of Withholding Tax" was distributed also to Households. These Developments suggest a strong Sense of Urgency on the part of the Leadership in Switzerland.

According to the latest Poll conducted on September 14, the Percentage of Respondents in favor of the two AHV Acts remained stable at around 60%, with the "Abolition of Withholding Tax" rapidly gaining in favor, on the other hand, the "Livestock Farm Initiative" is increasingly likely to be rejected by the Voters.

SRG-Umfrage: (SRG-Survey)



スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament: 

*1) The Popular Vote on September 25, 2022:
*2) Factory Farming Initiative /Massentierhaltunginitiative:
*3) & *4) OASI reform (AHV21):
*5) Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding Tax:

[Editor's Postscript]

The popular Voting Bills were tricky. After much groping around in the Dark, a Point of Contention finally emerged. We will report back on the Results and other Circumstances.

By the way, the name of the FDP, which was previously written as "Liberal Democratic Party" in Japanese, has been changed to "FDP Liberal". Since the name of the party still varies depending on the language, the German version has been given priority.


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