JournalSwiss’s blog


Blog版 jSj Vol. 215 「2023年06月18日国民投票 OECD/G20 最低税率他2件」

多言語スイス政治ブログ / Multi-Lingual Swiss Political Blog

jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 215 - June 13, 2023 (Swiss Time)



【J】 2023年06月18日国民投票
     1) OECD/G20 最低税率
     2) 気候・イノベーション
          3) コビド-19法
                       明子 ヒューリマン

【E】 The Popular Vote on June 18, 2023
          1) OECD/G20 Project
          2) Climate and Innovation Act
          3) COVID-19 Act
                       Akiko Huerlimann

━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                       明子 ヒューリマン


 1) 政令:通称「OECD/G20 最低税率」





財政の均等化制度 (Nationaler Finanzausgleich) に依って、全てのカントンが利益を得ることができる。







法案に賛成:は、SVP、Die Mitte、FDP、州政府会議。










2) 法案:通称「気候・イノベーション法」









法案に賛成の政党は、Die Mitte、FDP、SP、緑の党、グリーンリヴェラ(GLP)、EVP、州政府会議。









3) 通称「コヴィド-19改正法」は、「2022年12月16日のCovid-19法」の改正案。

概要:コロナウイルスは依然として予測不可能で、危険なウイルスの亜種が再び出現する可能性は否定できない。その為、議会は「Covid-19 Act」の一部措置の法的根拠を2024年半ば迄に延長した。これに依って、当局は緊急時迅速に行動し、特に弱い立場の人々や医療システムを保護することができる。






賛成の政党は、Die Mitte、FDP、SP、緑の党、グリーンリヴェラル(GLP)、EVP、そして州政府会議。















【参考】 弊誌Vol. 192 - July 01, 2020 「スイスのコロナ危機で考えたこと」

jp-Swiss-journal Vol. 192



 スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament:

【 編集後記 】

折しも、6月12日、スイス連邦政府のウェブサイトが「no name」と称するハッカーに攻撃され、閲覧中のリンクが一部見られなくなった。(A.H.)

━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━

         The Popular Vote on June 18, 2023

                      Akiko Huerlimann

The last Popular Vote was on September 21, 2022, so this will be the first Popular Vote in almost nine Months.
This Time, there are three Projects, one Decree, one Bill and one Amendment. Two of the Projects were submitted by Referendum Committees, which are responsible for challenging the Government and Parliament Rulings.
One, the "OECD/G20-Minimum Tax" is a Decree by the Swiss Government however based on an Initiative by the OECD-Organization.

Let's look at each Project.


1) Decree: Commonly known as the "OECD/G20 Minimum Tax"
Implementation of the "OECD/G20" Project on Taxation of large Corporate

Summary: Switzerland, along with some 140 other Countries, has committed itself to ensuring that large international Corporate Groups pay at least 15% in Taxes.

[ Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy – 8 October 2021 ]

The Swiss Federal Government and Parliament are considering the Introduction of a Minimum Tax, which will be implemented by Means of a Supplementary Tax. If less Tax is paid in Switzerland, Foreign Countries will be allowed to collect the Difference to the 15%.

The Swiss Federal Government estimates that the Revenue from the Supplementary Taxation in the first Year will be of 1 to 2.5 Billion Swiss Francs (CHF). 75% of the Tax Revenue will go to the Cantons and 25% to the Swiss Federal Government.

All Swiss Cantons can benefit from the System of National Fiscal Equalization (Nationaler Finanzausgleich). 

Since higher Taxes reduce the Location-Attractiveness of Switzerland, the Revenues from the Supplementary Tax shall be used to secure Jobs and Tax Revenues, as well as to promote the Location-Attractiveness. The Implementation requires an Amendment to the Swiss Federal Constitution, so a Referendum / People’s Vote (Volksabstimmung) is
required for it.

Voting Question is: "Do you accept the Federal Decree of December 16, 2022 on special Taxation of large Corporate Groups. (Implementation of the OECD/G20 Project on Taxation of large Corporate Groups)?"

Federal Government:
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Saying that "this legal Reform will ensure a stable Framework, protecting Swiss Tax Revenues and Jobs, and Everyone will benefit from this." This is the Argument.

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 127 YES, 59 NO, and 10 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 38 YES, 2 NO, and 4 Abstentions.

In favor of the Bill are Parties SVP, Die Mitte, FDP, GLP, EVP, and Conference of the Cantonal Governments.

Against: The SP (Social Democrats) opposed it, while the Greens and EDU were not bound by Party Rules.

The Parliamentary Minority recommends "NO," stating that "few attractive Cantons, where lots of large Corporate Gourps are located, would receive the Bulk of the Revenues. The Opportunity to curb the Tax Competition among the Cantons was not used", argued the Minority. The SP (Social Democrats) opposed, while the Greens and EDU were not bound by Party Rules.

Video of the Press Conference on April 24, 2023 by Minister of Finance (EFD) Keller-Sutter and other:



EFD Commentary: 


In-line with the Implementation of the first Phase of the OECD's global Tax Reform, the Swiss Federal Government wants to increase the Corporate Income Tax Rate for the entire Country to at least 15%.

The relevant legal Entities are 200 domestic Companies and 2,000 Subsidiaries of foreign Companies.

The Decision made by the Parliament to split the 75% and 25% between the Cantons and the Federal Government is the right Choice. Corporate Taxation is in any case a Matter for the Cantons, and the Cantons with less financial Resources can receive a reasonable Financial Benefit depending on the "National Fiscal Equalization System". Thus, the Basis for the Opposition's Argument has collapsed.
The business groups involved will have to pay taxes anyway, and the additional tax will keep the tax revenue within Switzerland.

Among the major political Parties, only the SP, which has opposed various Tax Proposals in recent Years, is against this Reform. It believes that it is unfair that the Cantons retain the Bulk of the supplementary Revenues, and that such a Tax System would indirectly
benefit Companies and thus promote Competition for Locations.

I hope more internationally-minded Policy from the SP, which is influential in Swiss Society. The Conservative Camp and the Business Community, in favor of the Bill are campaigning that "NO," would be like shooting themselves in the Knee.

2) Bill: Commonly known as the "Climate and Innovation Act"

Federal Act on Climate Protection Targets, Innovation and Strengthening Energy Security (indirect Counter-Proposal to the "Glacier Initiative").

Summary: Switzerland Imports about three-quarters of its Energy.
All of the Oil and Natural Gas consumed in Switzerland is Imported from abroad. These fossil Fuels are not infinitely available and place a heavy Burden on the Climate.
In order to reduce its Dependence on foreign Countries and environmental Pollution, the Federal Government (Bundesrat) and the Swiss Parliament plan to reduce the Consumption of Oil and Gas, while at the same Time increasing the Amount of Energy produced in Switzerland.

Under the new Law, Switzerland will gradually reduce its Consumption of Oil and Natural Gas. The Goal is to make Switzerland climate-neutral by 2050.

The Bill sets out Measures to reduce Energy Consumption and provides financial Relief for replacing Oil, Gas, and Electric Heating Systems. Companies that invest in climate-friendly Technologies will also be supported.

The Bill is an indirect Counter-Proposal to the "Glacier Initiative" and, unlike the Initiative, does not include a Ban on the Use of fossil Fuels such as Gasoline, Diesel, Heating Oil, and Gas.

Voting Question is: "Do you accept the Federal Law of September 30, 2022 on Climate Protection Goals, the Innovation, and the Strengthening of Energy Security (KIG)?"

Federal Government:
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Explaining "this Bill will make our People and Economy independent of Oil and Gas Imports and will strengthen Climate Protection without Bans or without new Taxes. Financial Support will be available for Investments in climate-friendly Heating Systems and innovative Technologies."

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 139 YES, 51 NO, and 2 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 38 YES, 4 NO, and 3 Abstentions.

In favor of the Bill are Parties Die Mitte, FDP, SP, Green Party, Green Liberal (GLP), and EVP, and Conference of the Cantonal Governments.

The Referendum's Committee of the Conservative Swiss People's Party (SVP), which opposes the Bill and put it to a Referendum, recommends "NO".
Warning of "a significant Increase in the Demand for Electricity and an Explosion in Electricity Prices." It explains "The Conversion of Energy Supply away from Heating Oil, Gas, Diesel, and Gasoline to Electricity is unrealistic. The Approach is haphazard, will exacerbate Electricity Shortages, disfigure the Environment, and jeopardize
Security of Supply."
Against: Are also Party EDU (Conservative Christian Party) and Homeowners Association (HEV) also opposes the Bill.

Video of the April 21, 2023 Press Conference by Minister of Environment,



However, this Time there is a Conflict within the Conservative Camp. The SVP's Minister of Environment (UVEK), Albert Roesti, has to represent the Position of the Federal Government (Bundesrat) and is caught between the SVP-Party and the Government.

Even in the Farmers' Union, which is known as a Conservative Stronghold, leading Farmers are opposed to the Bill, while the Swiss Farmers' Union has decided in favor of the Climate Protection Law, dividing Farmers' Opinions almost 50-50.
Some Farmers are in favor of the Law because they feel threatened that if the Climate continues to be as hot and dry as it was last Summer, they will eventually run out of Products to grow. To prevent Conflict, they are Refraining from Campaigning for
the Referendum this Time.

Among those who oppose the Law is Zurich's Farmers President Martin Herb, SVP. He does not deny that Agriculture is affected by Climate Change. But "Voting for this Law does not mean that Glaciers will grow back and Summers will be cooler." He expressed the View that this Situation cannot be avoided anymore.

Indeed, Swiss Summers have become unbearably hot Year after Year, and the June 13 Tagesanziger Newspaper reported in detail that "the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free in the middle of the Century."
However, I have found that we can improve the Heat by placing many Plants Indoors and Outdoors, and by Installing Tatami Mats, Shoji Screens, and Sudare (Bamboo Blinds).

3) Amendment: Commonly known as the "Covid-19 Amendment Act" is a Draft Amendment to the "Covid-19 Act of December 16, 2022".

Summary: Corona-Virus remains unpredictable, and the Possibility of a Reemergence of dangerous Virus Variants cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the Swiss Parliament has extended the legal Basis for certain Measures of the "Covid-19 Act" until mid-2024. This will allow Authorities to act quickly in an Emergency and protect particularly vulnerable Persons and the Health Care System.

The main Measure is that Medicines for severe Covid-Diseases can continue to be imported and used in Switzerland, even if they are not yet approved in Switzerland. In particular, Covid-Certificates required for Travel abroad may continue to be issued. Employers could be obliged to protect Those who are particularly at risk and allow them to work from Home, for example. Currently suspended SwissCovid-App could be
reactivated if necessary.

The Referendum was made possible by a Referendum’s Committee, which opposed the Extension of the Covid-19 Act. If the Extension is rejected, the current Provisions will cease to apply in mid-December 2023.

Voting Question is: "Do you accept the Amendment of December 16, 2022 to the Federal Law on the Legal Basis for Federal Council Ordinances to Address the Covid-19 Epidemic?"

Federal Government:
The Federal Government (Bundesrat) and Parliament recommend "YES".
Stating that "the Covid-19 Law is an important Law for the Federal Government and the Cantons, enabling them to contain the Covid-19 Pandemic and mitigate its Effects. In the event of an Emergency, the Federal Government and Parliament want to be able to rely on proven Measures to protect at-risk Persons and the Health Care System".

Parliament's Verdict:
The National Assembly (Nationalrat) voted 140 YES, 50 NO, and 6 Abstentions.
The Council of States (Staenderat) voted 39 YES, 1 NO, and 4 Abstentions.

In favor of the Amendment are Parties Die Mitte, FDP, SP, Green Party, Green Liberal (GLP), EVP, and Conference of the Cantonal Governments.

Circles critical of the Measures such as "Mass-voll" and "Friends of the Constitution", which make up the Referendum’s Committee, recommend "NO", saying, "The Extension of the Covid-19 Law is useless and harmful. This Law would allow the Reintroduction of discriminatory Measures at any time, and a Vote against it would overcome the Division in our Society and restore Normality."
Against: Are also the Parties SVP and EDU, which expressed Opposition.

Video of the May 2, 2023 Press Conference by Minister of the Interior (EDI) Alain Berset and Others.





As a basic Measure provided for in the Law, the Federal Government can protect Employees at risk in their Companies by, for example, ordering a Home Office. Even if Borders are closed due to the Pandemic, foreign Workers, especially those in the Medical Field can still enter the Country.

Switzerland introduced strict Entry Restrictions in the early Stages of the Pandemic. In the unlikely Event that such Restrictions become necessary again, the Law will allow some 400,000 Cross-Border Commuters (34,000 of whom work in Hospitals or at Homes) to work in Switzerland.

Roland Buehlmann of the Referendum’s Committee says, "This Measure is not very effective: the only People really at risk from Covid-19 are those over 65, and they have reached Retirement Age."

The SVP-Party argues that in the current State of the Pandemic, it does not make Sense to return to mandatory Certification, since Vaccination can cause severe Illness, but does not prevent further Spread of the Disease.

The BAG (Federal Office of Public Health) counters that Vaccination not only slows the Spread of the Disease, but also reduces the Severity of the Disease. Therefore, we believe that the Use of this Certificate will continue to make Sense.

But is the Certificate necessary for International Travel? The Question remains.
According to a Spokesperson for Travel Agency Kuoni, the USA is now the only Country in which Vaccination is mandatory for Travelers entering the Country.

Roland Buehlmann of the Referendum's Committee says about the Certificate, "If it is so unlikely to be used and only supposed to be used for Travel, why was it decided that way?"

Even if the June 18 Vote rejects the Law, it would only shorten the Law's Validity by six Months, since the Law is in effect until mid-December 2023, even if it is rejected.
If the Voters say "YES", the Law will expire on June 30, 2024.
In addition to the SVP-Party, the FDP has stated that it will not agree to any further Extension.

At the Time of the Emergency, at the Beginning of the Covid-19 Epidemic, the Federal Government suddenly invoked extrajudicial Measures against the Population.
The Corona-Virus Crisis effectively meant a Suspension of Democracy.
The Swiss Government declared a State of Emergency and suspended the Federal Parliament, which was in Session.
Soon after, a special Session of Parliament was convened with Corona-Virus Specifications, and a Number of Corona-Virus Measures were decided upon by Parliament.
Up to this Point, however, the Federal Government controlled all Functions of the Country, and Parliamentary Democracy was said to be paralyzed.
A Number of Swiss Citizens were alarmed by this Situation.
However, it is an important Issue to consider that the Corona-Measures include Compensation for lost Working-Time, and not a few People have been rescued by such Compensation.

Our magazine Vol. 192 - July 01, 2020 "Thoughts on Switzerland's Corona Crisis"

jp-Swiss-journal Vol. 192


A Poll by SRG, the Swiss Public Broadcaster, reported that "almost three-quarters of the Swiss People are in favor of the OECD Minimum Tax", and that "the Implementation of the Climate Protection Law has a large Lead in favor despite a growing Trend of Opposition," and that "Voting Intentions for the Covid-19 Law remain unchanged in favor. With a Majority in favor of all three Bills, the Report explained that it would be a tough Situation to overturn the Approval or Disapproval of the Bills.

 スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament:

[Editor's Postscript]

Anyway, about all of these Voting-Topics, Voters will have to make heavy Decisions.
The Way the Minister in charge explains each Topic at the Press Conference may be a Point worthy of Attention as the Public judges the Politicians.
The Video of the Press Conference, with its tense and realistic Atmosphere, is quite interesting.
By the way, on June 12, some Swiss Federal Government's Websites were attacked by Hackers calling themselves "No Name," and some of the Links that were being viewed were no longer visible. (A.H.)


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